import os from ranger.api.commands import * from ranger.core.loader import CommandLoader class compress(Command): def execute(self): """ Compress marked files to current directory """ cwd = marked_files = cwd.get_selection() if not marked_files: return def refresh(_): cwd = cwd.load_content() original_path = cwd.path # Parsing arguments line parts = self.line.strip().split() if len(parts) > 1: au_flags = [' '.join(parts[1:])] else: au_flags = [os.path.basename( + '.tar.gz'] # Making description line files_num = len(marked_files) files_num_str = str(files_num) + ' objects' if files_num > 1 else '1 object' descr = "Compressing " + files_num_str + " -> " + os.path.basename(au_flags[0]) # Creating archive obj = CommandLoader(args=['apack'] + au_flags + \ [os.path.relpath(f.path, cwd.path) for f in marked_files], descr=descr, read=True) obj.signal_bind('after', refresh) def tab(self, tabnum): """ Complete with current folder name """ extension = ['.zip', '.tar.gz', '.rar', '.7z'] return ['compress ' + os.path.basename( + ext for ext in extension]