# Generated by Powerlevel10k configuration wizard on 2021-02-22 at 09:21 +03. # Based on romkatv/powerlevel10k/config/p10k-pure.zsh. # Wizard options: nerdfont-complete + powerline, large icons, pure, snazzy, rpromt, # 2 lines, sparse, transient_prompt, instant_prompt=quiet. # Type `p10k configure` to generate another config. # # Config file for Powerlevel10k with the style of Pure (https://github.com/sindresorhus/pure). # # Differences from Pure: # # - Git: # - `@c4d3ec2c` instead of something like `v1.4.0~11` when in detached HEAD state. # - No automatic `git fetch` (the same as in Pure with `PURE_GIT_PULL=0`). # # Apart from the differences listed above, the replication of Pure prompt is exact. This includes # even the questionable parts. For example, just like in Pure, there is no indication of Git status # being stale; prompt symbol is the same in command, visual and overwrite vi modes; when prompt # doesn't fit on one line, it wraps around with no attempt to shorten it. # # If you like the general style of Pure but not particularly attached to all its quirks, type # `p10k configure` and pick "Lean" style. This will give you slick minimalist prompt while taking # advantage of Powerlevel10k features that aren't present in Pure. # Temporarily change options. 'builtin' 'local' '-a' 'p10k_config_opts' [[ ! -o 'aliases' ]] || p10k_config_opts+=('aliases') [[ ! -o 'sh_glob' ]] || p10k_config_opts+=('sh_glob') [[ ! -o 'no_brace_expand' ]] || p10k_config_opts+=('no_brace_expand') 'builtin' 'setopt' 'no_aliases' 'no_sh_glob' 'brace_expand' () { emulate -L zsh # Unset all configuration options. unset -m '(POWERLEVEL9K_*|DEFAULT_USER)~POWERLEVEL9K_GITSTATUS_DIR' # Zsh >= 5.1 is required. autoload -Uz is-at-least && is-at-least 5.1 || return # Prompt colors. local grey='242' local red='#FF5C57' local yellow='#F3F99D' local blue='#57C7FF' local magenta='#FF6AC1' local cyan='#9AEDFE' local white='#F1F1F0' # Left prompt segments. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=( # =========================[ Line #1 ]========================= # context # user@host dir # current directory # command_execution_time # previous command duration # =========================[ Line #2 ]========================= prompt_char # prompt symbol ) # Right prompt segments. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=( # =========================[ Line #1 ]========================= vcs # git status command_execution_time # previous command duration virtualenv # python virtual environment context # user@host # time # current time # =========================[ Line #2 ]========================= ) # Basic style options that define the overall prompt look. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND= # transparent background typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_{LEFT,RIGHT}_{LEFT,RIGHT}_WHITESPACE= # no surrounding whitespace typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_{LEFT,RIGHT}_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR=' ' # separate segments with a space typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_{LEFT,RIGHT}_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR= # no end-of-line symbol typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION= # no segment icons # Add an empty line before each prompt except the first. This doesn't emulate the bug # in Pure that makes prompt drift down whenever you use the Alt-C binding from fzf or similar. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE=true # Magenta prompt symbol if the last command succeeded. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_OK_{VIINS,VICMD,VIVIS}_FOREGROUND=$magenta # Red prompt symbol if the last command failed. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_ERROR_{VIINS,VICMD,VIVIS}_FOREGROUND=$red # Default prompt symbol. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIINS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='λ' # Prompt symbol in command vi mode. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VICMD_CONTENT_EXPANSION='❮λ❯' # Prompt symbol in visual vi mode is the same as in command mode. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIVIS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='❮λ❯' # Prompt symbol in overwrite vi mode is the same as in command mode. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_OVERWRITE_STATE=false # Grey Python Virtual Environment. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_FOREGROUND=$grey # Don't show Python version. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_SHOW_PYTHON_VERSION=false typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_{LEFT,RIGHT}_DELIMITER= # Blue current directory. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_FOREGROUND=$blue # Context format when root: user@host. The first part white, the rest grey. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_ROOT_TEMPLATE="%F{$white}%n%f%F{$grey}@%m%f" # Context format when not root: user@host. The whole thing grey. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE="%F{$grey}%n@%m%f" # Don't show context unless root or in SSH. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_{DEFAULT,SUDO}_CONTENT_EXPANSION= # Show previous command duration only if it's >= 5s. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_THRESHOLD=5 # Don't show fractional seconds. Thus, 7s rather than 7.3s. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_PRECISION=0 # Duration format: 1d 2h 3m 4s. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_FORMAT='d h m s' # Yellow previous command duration. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_FOREGROUND=$yellow #####################################[ vcs: git status ]###################################### # Version control system colors. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_CLEAN_FOREGROUND=22 typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MODIFIED_FOREGROUND=163 typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_FOREGROUND=20 typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_CONFLICTED_FOREGROUND=20 typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_LOADING_FOREGROUND=20 # Branch icon. Set this parameter to '\uF126 ' for the popular Powerline branch icon. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BRANCH_ICON='\uF126' # Untracked files icon. It's really a question mark, your font isn't broken. # Change the value of this parameter to show a different icon. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON='?' # Formatter for Git status. # # Example output: master ⇣42⇡42 *42 merge ~42 +42 !42 ?42. # # You can edit the function to customize how Git status looks. # # VCS_STATUS_* parameters are set by gitstatus plugin. See reference: # https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/blob/master/gitstatus.plugin.zsh. function my_git_formatter() { emulate -L zsh if [[ -n $P9K_CONTENT ]]; then # If P9K_CONTENT is not empty, use it. It's either "loading" or from vcs_info (not from # gitstatus plugin). VCS_STATUS_* parameters are not available in this case. typeset -g my_git_format=$P9K_CONTENT return fi # Styling for different parts of Git status. local meta='%255F' local clean='%255F' local modified='%11F' local untracked='%11F' local conflicted='%10F' local res local where # branch or tag if [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH ]]; then res+="${clean}${(g::)POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BRANCH_ICON}" where=${(V)VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH} elif [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_TAG ]]; then res+="${meta}#" where=${(V)VCS_STATUS_TAG} fi # If local branch name or tag is at most 32 characters long, show it in full. # Otherwise show the first 12 … the last 12. # Tip: To always show local branch name in full without truncation, delete the next line. (( $#where > 32 )) && where[13,-13]="…" res+="${clean}${where//\%/%%}" # escape % # Display the current Git commit if there is no branch or tag. # Tip: To always display the current Git commit, remove `[[ -z $where ]] &&` from the next line. [[ -z $where ]] && res+="${meta}@${clean}${VCS_STATUS_COMMIT[1,8]}" # Show tracking branch name if it differs from local branch. if [[ -n ${VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH:#$VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH} ]]; then res+="${meta}:${clean}${(V)VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH//\%/%%}" # escape % fi # ⇣42 if behind the remote. (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" ${clean}⇣${VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND}" # ⇡42 if ahead of the remote; no leading space if also behind the remote: ⇣42⇡42. (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD && !VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" " (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD )) && res+="${clean}⇡${VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD}" # ⇠42 if behind the push remote. (( VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" ${clean}⇠${VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_BEHIND}" (( VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_AHEAD && !VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" " # ⇢42 if ahead of the push remote; no leading space if also behind: ⇠42⇢42. (( VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_AHEAD )) && res+="${clean}⇢${VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_AHEAD}" # *42 if have stashes. (( VCS_STATUS_STASHES )) && res+=" ${clean}*${VCS_STATUS_STASHES}" # 'merge' if the repo is in an unusual state. [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_ACTION ]] && res+=" ${conflicted}${VCS_STATUS_ACTION}" # ~42 if have merge conflicts. (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_CONFLICTED )) && res+=" ${conflicted}~${VCS_STATUS_NUM_CONFLICTED}" # +42 if have staged changes. (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_STAGED )) && res+=" ${modified}+${VCS_STATUS_NUM_STAGED}" # !42 if have unstaged changes. (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNSTAGED )) && res+=" ${modified}!${VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNSTAGED}" # ?42 if have untracked files. It's really a question mark, your font isn't broken. # See POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON above if you want to use a different icon. # Remove the next line if you don't want to see untracked files at all. (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNTRACKED )) && res+=" ${untracked}${(g::)POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON}${VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNTRACKED}" # "─" if the number of unstaged files is unknown. This can happen due to # POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY (see below) being set to a non-negative number lower # than the number of files in the Git index, or due to bash.showDirtyState being set to false # in the repository config. The number of staged and untracked files may also be unknown # in this case. (( VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNSTAGED == -1 )) && res+=" ${modified}─" typeset -g my_git_format=$res } functions -M my_git_formatter 2>/dev/null # Don't count the number of unstaged, untracked and conflicted files in Git repositories with # more than this many files in the index. Negative value means infinity. # # If you are working in Git repositories with tens of millions of files and seeing performance # sagging, try setting POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY to a number lower than the output # of `git ls-files | wc -l`. Alternatively, add `bash.showDirtyState = false` to the repository's # config: `git config bash.showDirtyState false`. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY=-1 # Don't show Git status in prompt for repositories whose workdir matches this pattern. # For example, if set to '~', the Git repository at $HOME/.git will be ignored. # Multiple patterns can be combined with '|': '~(|/foo)|/bar/baz/*'. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_DISABLED_WORKDIR_PATTERN='~' # Disable the default Git status formatting. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_DISABLE_GITSTATUS_FORMATTING=true # Install our own Git status formatter. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${$((my_git_formatter()))+${my_git_format}}' # Enable counters for staged, unstaged, etc. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_{STAGED,UNSTAGED,UNTRACKED,CONFLICTED,COMMITS_AHEAD,COMMITS_BEHIND}_MAX_NUM=-1 # Custom icon. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION= # Custom prefix. # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_PREFIX='on ' # Show status of repositories of these types. You can add svn and/or hg if you are # using them. If you do, your prompt may become slow even when your current directory # isn't in an svn or hg reposotiry. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BACKENDS=(git) # # Grey current time. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_FOREGROUND=$yellow # Format for the current time: 09:51:02. See `man 3 strftime`. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_FORMAT='%D{%H:%M:%S}' # If set to true, time will update when you hit enter. This way prompts for the past # commands will contain the start times of their commands rather than the end times of # their preceding commands. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_UPDATE_ON_COMMAND=false # Transient prompt works similarly to the builtin transient_rprompt option. It trims down prompt # when accepting a command line. Supported values: # # - off: Don't change prompt when accepting a command line. # - always: Trim down prompt when accepting a command line. # - same-dir: Trim down prompt when accepting a command line unless this is the first command # typed after changing current working directory. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TRANSIENT_PROMPT=always # Instant prompt mode. # # - off: Disable instant prompt. Choose this if you've tried instant prompt and found # it incompatible with your zsh configuration files. # - quiet: Enable instant prompt and don't print warnings when detecting console output # during zsh initialization. Choose this if you've read and understood # https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k/blob/master/README.md#instant-prompt. # - verbose: Enable instant prompt and print a warning when detecting console output during # zsh initialization. Choose this if you've never tried instant prompt, haven't # seen the warning, or if you are unsure what this all means. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=quiet # Hot reload allows you to change POWERLEVEL9K options after Powerlevel10k has been initialized. # For example, you can type POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND=red and see your prompt turn red. Hot reload # can slow down prompt by 1-2 milliseconds, so it's better to keep it turned off unless you # really need it. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_HOT_RELOAD=true # If p10k is already loaded, reload configuration. # This works even with POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_HOT_RELOAD=true. (( ! $+functions[p10k] )) || p10k reload } # Tell `p10k configure` which file it should overwrite. typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONFIG_FILE=${${(%):-%x}:a} (( ${#p10k_config_opts} )) && setopt ${p10k_config_opts[@]} 'builtin' 'unset' 'p10k_config_opts'