# Fr1nge's Dotfiles Welcome to my dungeon. Here, I keep all my configuration files in case I have a stroke an d lose all my memory. You're very welcome to explore and use anything in this repository. Have fun! Another copy of all of this is [here](https://git.yigitcolakoglu.com/yigitcolakoglu/dotfiles). ## My Setup: * Arch Linux * DWM ([dwm-flexipatch](https://github.com/bakkeby/dwm-flexipatch)) * dmenu * st (simple terminal) * dunst * zsh with powerlevel10k and antibody * tmux * zathura * [Material Ocean](https://github.com/material-ocean/) color scheme for pretty much everything * [Pomme Page](https://github.com/kikiklang/pomme-page) ## Installation Just run ```sh git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/theFr1nge/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles && ~/.dotfiles/install.sh ``` This will download everything you need. After that, I have a list of all the packages I have installed on my machine in the directory arch-setup/. If you have any problems regarding the setup, you should first check whether you have missing packages. After the clone process, it is pretty straightforward, you can run the `install.sh` script which creates necessary symlinks. You might want to edit your crontab and the ~/.config.env. ## Some eye candy ![Workspace 1](https://minio.yigitcolakoglu.com/screenshots/rice/neofetch.png) ![Workspace 2](https://minio.yigitcolakoglu.com/screenshots/rice/brave.png) ![Workspace 4](https://minio.yigitcolakoglu.com/screenshots/rice/ranger.png) ![neomutt](https://minio.yigitcolakoglu.com/screenshots/rice/mail.png) ## TODOS * [X] Neomutt further config * [X] Dwmblocks entry for tracking last mailsync time * Fix ISO4755 and externalpipe conflict * [ ] Better documentation * [X] Dmenu for restarting certain processes like dwm, dwmblocks, dunst, mconnect