#!/bin/sh read -r -d '' MENU << EOM Arch Wiki | Open an entry from the Arch Wiki (offline) | dmenu-ambient Bluetooth | Manage bluetooth and bluetooth devices | dmenu-bluetooth Read Books | Connect to calibre-web and read a book | dmenu-books Edit Config | Select and edit configuration files in your dotfiles | dmenu-edit Kill Process | Kill a process that is bothering you | dmenu-killall Mobile Device | Manage your mobile device through mconnect | dmenu-mconnect Record Screen | Record your screen, voice or anything | dmenu-record Mount Storage Devices | Manage connected detachable storage devices | dmenu-udevil Unmount Storage Devices | Manage connected detachable storage devices | dmenu-udevil -u Word Count | Count the words, letters and lines in any string | dmenu-wc Grab Color | Grab any color on your screen | grabcolor Sync Mail | Synchronize your mail | mailsync Toggle Trackpad | Enable/Disable your trackpad | toggle_trackpad.sh Sync Nextcloud | Synchronize with your nextcloud instance | nextcloud-sync Network Settings | Manage network settings using connman | connman_dmenu Backup | Backup your system | backup Ambient Sounds | Play ambient sounds | dmenu-ambient Insert Emoji | Insert an emoji or glyph | dmenu-emoji Create Timer | Create or manage a timer | dmenu-timer Watch Youtube | Search and watch a youtube video | ytfzf_dmenu EOM selection=$(printf "$MENU" | column -s '|' -t | dmenu -p "Select a tool" -l 7) [ -z "$selection" ] && exit cmd=$(echo "$selection" | sed 's/\s\{2,\}/\n/g' | tail -n 1) bash -c "$cmd"