#!/bin/bash source ~/.config/config.env weatherreport="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/weatherreport" weatherreportjson="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/weatherreportjson" WCODES=( ["113"]="^c#ebcb8b^ " ["116"]="^c#ebcb8b^杖" ["119"]="^c#ffffff^摒" ["122"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["143"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["176"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["179"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["182"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["185"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["200"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["227"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["230"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["248"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["260"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["263"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["266"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["281"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["284"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["293"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["296"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["299"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["302"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["305"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["308"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["311"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["314"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["317"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["320"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["323"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["326"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["329"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["332"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["335"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["338"]="^c#ffffff^ " ["350"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["353"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["356"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["359"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["362"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["365"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["368"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["371"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["374"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["377"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["386"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["389"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["392"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ["395"]="^c#81a1c1^ " ) getforecast() { curl -sf "wttr.in/$LOCATION" > "$weatherreport" || exit 1 ;} getforecastjson() { curl -sf "wttr.in/$LOCATION?format=j1" > "$weatherreportjson" || exit 1 ;} # Some very particular and terse stream manipulation. We get the maximum # precipitation chance and the daily high and low from the downloaded file and # display them with coresponding emojis. showweather() { data=$(jq -r ".weather|.[0]|.hourly|.[$(expr $(date '+%H') / 4)]|.FeelsLikeC,.chanceofrain,.chanceofsnow,.WindGustKmph,.weatherCode" "$weatherreportjson") data=$(echo -ne $(echo $data | cut -d' ' -f 1-4)" ${WCODES[$(echo $data | cut -d' ' -f 5)]}") echo $data | awk -F' ' '{ if ($4 > 30) print "^c#ffffff^ ^d^" $4 "kh "$5 " ^d^ " $1 "°C" else if ($2 < $3) print "^c#ffffff^ ^d^" $3 "% "$5 " ^d^ " $1 "°C" else print "^c#81a1c1^ ^d^" $2 "% " $5 " ^d^ " $1 "°C"}' } case $BLOCK_BUTTON in 1) setsid -f st -c weather -n weather -e less -Srf "$weatherreport" ;; 2) getforecast && showweather && kill -50 $(pidof dwmblocks) ;; 3) notify-send " Weather module" "\- Left click for full forecast. - Middle click to update forecast. : Chance of rain/snow ﰕ: Daily low 滛: Daily high" ;; 6) "$TERMINAL" -e "$EDITOR" "$0" ;; esac # The test if our forcecast is updated to the day. If it isn't download a new # weather report from wttr.in with the above function. [ "$(date -r "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/weatherreport" "+%d-%m-%Y")" = "$(date '+%d-%m-%Y')" ] || getforecast [ "$(date -r "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/weatherreportjson" "+%d-%m-%Y %H")" = "$(date '+%d-%m-%Y %H')" ] || getforecastjson showweather