Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
3.6 KiB

return function()
local if_nil = vim.F.if_nil
local default_terminal = {
type = "terminal",
command = nil,
width = 69,
height = 8,
opts = {
redraw = true,
window_config = {},
local default_header = {
type = "text",
val = {
[[ :::!~!!!!!:. ]],
[[ .xUHWH!! !!?M88WHX:. ]],
[[ .X*#M@$!! !X!M$$$$$$WWx:. ]],
[[ :!!!!!!?H! :!$!$$$$$$$$$$8X: ]],
[[ !!~ ~:~!! :~!$!#$$$$$$$$$$8X: ]],
[[ :!~::!H!< ~.U$X!?R$$$$$$$$MM! ]],
[[ ~!~!!!!~~ .:XW$$$U!!?$$$$$$RMM! ]],
[[ !:~~~ .:!M"T#$$$$WX??#MRRMMM! ]],
[[ ~?WuxiW*` `"#$$$$8!!!!??!!! ]],
[[ :X- M$$$$ `"T#$T~!8$WUXU~ ]],
[[ :%` ~#$$$m: ~!~ ?$$$$$$ ]],
[[ :!`.- ~T$$$$8xx. .xWW- ~""##*" ]],
[[..... -~~:<` ! ~?T#$$@@W@*?$$ /` ]],
[[W$@@M!!! .!~~ !! .:XUW$W!~ `"~: : ]],
[[#"~~`.:x%`!! !H: !WM$$$$Ti.: .!WUn+!` ]],
[[:::~:!!`:X~ .: ?H.!u "$$$B$$$!W:U!T$$M~ ]],
[[.~~ :X@!.-~ ?@WTWo("*$$$W$TH$! ` ]],
[[Wi.~!X$?!-~ : ?$$$B$Wu("**$RM! ]],
[[$R@i.~~ ! : ~$$$$$B$$en:`` ]],
[[?MXT@Wx.~ : ~"##*$$$$M~ ]],
opts = {
position = "center",
hl = "Type",
-- wrap = "overflow";
local footer = {
type = "text",
val = "",
opts = {
position = "center",
hl = "Number",
local leader = "SPC"
--- @param sc string
--- @param txt string
--- @param keybind string? optional
--- @param keybind_opts table? optional
local function button(sc, txt, keybind, keybind_opts)
local sc_ = sc:gsub("%s", ""):gsub(leader, "<leader>")
local opts = {
position = "center",
shortcut = sc,
cursor = 3,
width = 50,
align_shortcut = "right",
hl_shortcut = "Keyword",
if keybind then
keybind_opts = if_nil(keybind_opts, { noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true })
opts.keymap = { "n", sc_, keybind, keybind_opts }
local function on_press()
local key = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(keybind or sc_ .. "<Ignore>", true, false, true)
vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(key, "t", false)
return {
type = "button",
val = txt,
on_press = on_press,
opts = opts,
local buttons = {
type = "group",
val = {
button("e", " New file", "<cmd>ene <CR>"),
button("SPC f f", "󰈞 Find file"),
button("SPC f h", "󰊄 Recently opened files"),
button("SPC f r", " Frecency/MRU"),
button("SPC f g", "󰈬 Find word"),
button("SPC f m", " Jump to bookmarks"),
button("SPC s l", " Open last session"),
opts = {
spacing = 1,
local section = {
terminal = default_terminal,
header = default_header,
buttons = buttons,
footer = footer,
local config = {
layout = {
{ type = "padding", val = 2 },
{ type = "padding", val = 2 },
opts = {
margin = 5,