#+TITLE:DWM: Dynamic Window Manager
This is my own build of DWM with some patches and configurations.
Those patches that add new features to DWM, some of them are simple features that are present in other TWMs.
actualfullscreen: Allows to activate true fullscreen instead of just change to monocle layout and hide the bar.
alwayscenter: Floating windows are always placed at the center of the screen.
cyclelayouts: Go through the layout list with a button combination.
inplacerotate: Allows to rotate the windows in the stack without changing master.
movestack: Allows to move the windows in the stack part, when using the default layout.
pertag: By default, dwm uses the same layout for all tags. With this patch each tag has a different layout (the initial scheme is tile).
switchcol: It allows to change the focus between master and stack with a single keybinding. Useful with the deck layout.
winview: If you are seeing several tags at once, pressing a keybinding switches to the tag in the focused window.
New layout I've added to DWM.
centeredmaster: The master window is placed in the center while the others appear in a grid around it.
deck: The stack part only shows one window at a time. If used with inplacerotate it is possible to change the window in stack without moving master.
fibonacci: Two new layouts: spiral y dwindle (à la bspwm).
gridmode: Grid layout.
rmaster: Allows to reverse the order of the tile scheme: master on the left and stack on the right.
Patches that only serve to improve the aesthetic aspect of the WM and contribute little or nothing to the functional aspect.
alttagsdecoration: Allows you to declare different icons for each tag when they are busy.
barpadding: Add vertical andhorizontal padding to the bar from the screen.
colorbar: Add new color schemes for each section of the panel.
dwmblocks: Add support for colored text and click on the dwmblocks modules.
fixborders: Fix the transparent borders when using compton/picom.
uselessgap: Add useless gaps between windows. Although it is not the only patch, it is the easiest to apply.