Welcome to my dungeon. Here, I keep all my configuration files in case I have a stroke and lose all my memory. You're very welcome to explore and use anything in this repository. Have fun!
Just run
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/theFr1nge/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles && ~/.dotfiles/install.sh
This will download everything you need. After that, I have a list of all the packages I have installed on my machine in the directory chroot/. If you have any problems regarding the setup, you should first check whether you have missing packages. After the clone process, it is pretty straightforward, you can run the install.sh
script which creates necessary symlinks. Finally, DO NOT FORGET to run sudo make clean install in each directory under suckless, I also have a script named build.sh in that directory which does that automatically.
[ ] Neomutt further config [ ] Dwmblocks entry for tracking last mailsync time [ ] Better documentation [ ] Dmenu for restarting certain processes like dwm, dwmblocks, dunst, mconnect