Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
1.2 KiB

# Calcurse keys configuration file
# In this file the keybindings used by Calcurse are defined.
# It is generated automatically by Calcurse and is maintained
# via the key configuration menu of the interactive user
# interface. It should not be edited directly.
generic-cancel ESC
generic-select SPC
generic-credits @
generic-help ?
generic-quit q Q
generic-save s S ^S
generic-reload R
generic-copy c
generic-paste p ^V
generic-change-view TAB
generic-import i I
generic-export x X
generic-goto g G
generic-other-cmd o O
generic-config-menu C
generic-redraw ^R
generic-add-appt ^A
generic-add-todo ^T
generic-prev-day T ^H
generic-next-day t ^L
generic-prev-week W ^K
generic-next-week w
generic-prev-month M
generic-next-month m
generic-prev-year Y
generic-next-year y
generic-scroll-down ^N
generic-scroll-up ^P
generic-goto-today ^G
generic-command :
move-right l L RGT
move-left h H LFT
move-down j J DWN
move-up k K UP
start-of-week 0
end-of-week $
add-item a A
del-item d D
edit-item e E
view-item v V RET
pipe-item |
flag-item !
repeat r
edit-note n N
view-note >
raise-priority +
lower-priority -