Femtoshare ========== Ultra simple self-hosted file sharing in a single Python script without any dependencies. All files can be accessed/modified by all users. Don't upload anything secret! Quickstart: run `./femtoshare.py`, then visit `http://localhost:8000/` in your web browser. ![Femtoshare Screenshot](screenshot.png) Options: $ ./femtoshare.py --help usage: femtoshare.py [-h] [--port PORT] [--public] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --port PORT local network port to listen on --public listen on remote network interfaces (allows other hosts to see the website; otherwise only this host can see it) Rationale --------- I often need to send/receive files from untrusted computers. Google Drive can be used for receiving, but not sending - I don't care about people seeing the files, but I do care about not revealing my account credentials when logging in to upload files. Services like WeTransfer work for sending, but they often have tiny file size limits and long, hard-to-type file URLs, if they work at all. I made Femtoshare to fix these issues. It's basically an FTP server that only needs a web browser to browse/download/upload. No file size limits and easily-memorized links, plus no worries about revealing important account credentials! A site-wide password is easily added to keep out the most unsophisticated attackers. Deployment ---------- Minimal public-facing deployment: `./femtoshare.py --port 1234 --public` is visible at `http://YOUR_HOST:1234`. For improved security, authentication, and HTTPS support, we can run the script as a systemd daemon and put it behind an Nginx reverse proxy, configured to use HTTP Basic Authentication. Assuming a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 LTS machine: 1. SSH into the machine: `ssh ubuntu@ec2-35-166-68-253.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com`. 2. Run software updates: `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade`. 3. Harden SSH: in `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`, change `PasswordAuthentication` to `no` and `PermitRootLogin` to `no` and `AllowUsers` to `ubuntu`. Restart `sshd` using `sudo service sshd restart`. 4. Get requirements: `sudo apt-get nginx openssl`. 5. Get the code: `sudo mkdir -p /var/www/femtoshare && cd /var/www/femtoshare && sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Uberi/femtoshare/master/femtoshare.py`. 6. Set up restricted user: `sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --disabled-login --group femtoshare` (there is a `nobody` user, but it's better to have our own user in case other daemons also use `nobody`). 7. Set up file storage directory: `sudo install -o femtoshare -g femtoshare -d /var/www/femtoshare/files`. 8. Set up systemd service to start Femtoshare on boot: ```bash sudo tee /lib/systemd/system/femtoshare.service << EOF [Unit] Description=Femtoshare [Service] Type=simple PrivateTmp=yes User=femtoshare Group=femtoshare ExecStart=/var/www/femtoshare/femtoshare.py Restart=always RestartSec=5 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable femtoshare.service ``` 9. Set up a password file for HTTP Basic Authentication: `echo "user:$(openssl passwd -apr1 -salt 8b80ef96d09ffd0be0daa1202f55bb09 'YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE')" | sudo tee /var/www/femtoshare/.htpasswd` 10. Set up Nginx as a reverse proxy with HTTP Basic Authentication: ```bash sudo tee /etc/nginx/conf.d/femtoshare.conf << EOF server { listen 80; server_name ~.; # HTTP Basic Authentication auth_basic "Log in with username 'user' to access files"; auth_basic_user_file /var/www/femtoshare/.htpasswd; # serve directory listing location = / { proxy_pass; client_max_body_size 1000M; } # serve uploaded file location ~ /.+ { root /var/www/femtoshare/files; } } EOF ``` 11. Set up HTTPS with Let's Encrypt: `export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"; export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"; sudo wget https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto && sudo chmod a+x certbot-auto && sudo ./certbot-auto --nginx --debug` 12. Set up twice-daily certificate renewal cronjob with Let's Encrypt: add `23 0,12 * * * PATH=/home/ubuntu/bin:/home/ubuntu/.local/bin:/home/ubuntu/bin:/home/ubuntu/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin /var/www/femtoshare/certbot-auto renew >> /var/www/femtoshare/letsencrypt-renew-certificate.log 2>&1` in the root crontab with `sudo crontab -e` (setting `PATH` is necessary in order to get Nginx config updates to work). 13. Start Femtoshare and Nginx: `sudo systemctl start femtoshare.service` and `sudo service nginx restart`. 14. Allow incoming and outgoing HTTP and HTTPS traffic through the firewall. License ------- Copyright 2018-2018 [Anthony Zhang (Uberi)](http://anthonyz.ca). The source code is available online at [GitHub](https://github.com/Uberi/femtoshare). This program is made available under the MIT license. See ``LICENSE.txt`` in the project's root directory for more information.