- +++
- title = "Content Security Policy"
- description = "Control resources the user agent is allowed to load."
- categories = ["security"]
- tags = ["privacy", "xss", "csp"]
- features = ["code highlighter", "related content", "snippets"]
- [blackfriday]
- smartypants = false
- [[copyright]]
- owner = "Josh Habdas"
- date = "2019"
- license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
- +++
- After Dark helps you secure your site using Content Security Policy (CSP). Basic CSP is enabled by default and [Advanced Configurations]({{< relref "#advanced-configuration" >}}) are also possible.
- Basic CSP offers minimal protection but is still helpful as it keeps resources from accidentally being loaded over `http`. In addition, Basic CSP automatically blocks all Flash and Silverlight objects before they have a chance to load.
- ## Basic Configuration
- Disable CSP site-wide add the following to your site config:
- ```toml
- [params]
- disable_csp = true # disable site-wide
- ```
- Disable CSP for a specific page using front matter:
- ```toml
- disable_csp = true # disable for page
- ```
- ## Advanced Configuration
- Advanced configuration allows you to fine-tune policy directives based on your specific needs. To get started specify at least 1 CSP directive in site config.
- {{% hackcss-alert type="info" %}}**Note:** You may wish to {{< external "https://gohugo.io/getting-started/usage/#disable-livereload" "Disable LiveReload" />}} while defining advanced config.{{% /hackcss-alert %}}
- Define the {{< external "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/script-src" "script-src" />}} directive site-wide:
- ```toml
- [params.security.csp.directives]
- scriptSrc = [
- "'self'",
- "'unsafe-inline'",
- "https:",
- "'sha512-Jx/MqTxYWqHdoOkHItRJJZCvFDhERPr5gG4I5ESu3V+BgQyAQ6wXfdsGzhzmT0yyvkAWz2jbrn81q90RRJTSTg=='",
- "'sha512-hno7WeTIciCJSjg/myjyK30HYkrcGCVwo4g4SpUalvrs3r2lS7bPNIQwbCNypKbg7BZ1sA4AsGnk6Gq4NOKpGA=='",
- "'sha512-ISTAV0GadOIz/NXXHOS&+eCM0ysXVVHhQTlvA6LJxz/DeA5yIxm0Vqf5IE&+WH0yuuXkayAKtoZkQ326nch5f/fg=='",
- "'strict-dynamic'"
- ]
- ```
- This will override the `script-src` directive's advanced default:
- Directive | Mapping | Advanced Default
- --- | --- | ---
- default-src | defaultSrc | 'none'
- connect-src | connectSrc | 'self'
- worker-src | workerSrc | 'self'
- font-src | fontSrc | 'self'
- media-src | mediaSrc | 'self'
- img-src | imgSrc | 'self' data:
- script-src | scriptSrc | 'none'
- style-src | styleSrc | 'self' 'unsafe-inline'
- frame-src | frameSrc | 'self'
- object-src | objectSrc | 'none'
- Once set, view the `Content-Security-Policy` meta tag in the `head` of your page and inspect the console for errors as you navigate to different pages. Each time you encounter an error caused by CSP is an opportunity to improve your policy.
- Add page-specific directives from page front matter using the same structure and naming conventions used in site config to append items for that page:
- ```toml
- [security.csp.directives]
- scriptSrc = [
- "'sha512-TKVuLlCT8+a0Chpa6Pw3clhu9fhZ9JOzgblgxQaUQVP/z4lfPnrdyWDOgucORnS2qapWu/iPVG2d0ywyGH2NjA=='"
- ]
- ```
- {{% hackcss-alert type="info" %}}**Note:** Page-specific directives _will not_ override any site-wide setting and will not apply without first overriding its advanced default via site config.{{% /hackcss-alert %}}
- Continue overriding advanced defaults as necessary until all CSP errors are resolved or you're satisfied with the changes.
- ## Additional Resources
- - About {{< external "https://infosec.mozilla.org/guidelines/web_security#content-security-policy" "Content Security Policy" />}}
- - Test policy with {{< external "https://observatory.mozilla.org" "Observatory by Mozilla" />}}
- - See {{< external "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy#Examples" "CSP examples" />}} to learn more