- +++
- title = "Section Menu"
- description = "Display a contextual site-wide navigation with links."
- categories = ["navigation"]
- tags = ["links", "taxonomy"]
- features = ["code highlighter", "snippets", "section menu"]
- notes = [
- "review 'fuzzy-search' examples if modified"
- ]
- [[copyright]]
- owner = "Josh Habdas"
- date = "2019"
- license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
- +++
- After Dark uses Hugo's {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/templates/menu-templates/#section-menu-for-lazy-bloggers" text="Section Menu for “Lazy” Bloggers" />}} to create a site-wide navigational aid. The section menu is disabled by default.
- {{< hackcss-card header="Interactive Example" >}}
- {{< navmenu >}}
- {{< /hackcss-card >}}
- Enable it from `menu.main` layout config in your site configuration:
- ```toml
- [params.layout.menu.main]
- hidden = true # set `false` or remove to show section menu
- ```
- With the menu enabled navigation links will begin appearing automatically on a per-section basis whenever {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/getting-started/usage/#draft-future-and-expired-content" text="Published Content" />}} is available within that section.
- ## Customizing
- Adjust link names and menu positions by adding the following code block to your {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/" text="Site Configuration" />}} and modifying it to meet your needs:
- ```toml
- [[menu.main]]
- name = "Home"
- weight = 1
- identifier = "home"
- url = "/"
- [[menu.main]]
- name = "Posts"
- weight = 2
- identifier = "post"
- url = "/post/"
- ```
- Exclude menu items by identifier:
- ```toml
- [params.layout.menu.main]
- exclude = ["home", "post"] # exclude homepage and blog postings
- ```
- Decorate links with SVG icons using `pre` and `post`:
- ```toml
- [[menu.main]]
- name = "Search"
- identifier = "search"
- url = "/search/"
- post = "<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"i-search\" viewBox=\"0 0 32 32\" width=\"14\" height=\"14\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"currentcolor\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-width=\"3\"><circle cx=\"14\" cy=\"14\" r=\"12\" /><path d=\"M23 23 L30 30\" /></svg>"
- ```
- Link to stand-alone pages using {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/" text="Front Matter" />}} menu setting:
- ```toml
- title = "About"
- menu = "main"
- ```
- Change the link title to differentiate from page:
- ```toml
- title = "About Us"
- menu = "main"
- linktitle = "About"
- ```
- Position items using {{< external "https://gohugo.io/variables/menus/#menu-entry-variables" "Menu Entry Variables" />}} for more control:
- ```toml
- title = "About Us"
- [menu.main]
- name = "About"
- weight = 5
- ```
- Provide your own config settings for use in [Custom Layouts]({{< relref "custom-layouts" >}}):
- ```toml
- [params.layout.menu.main.custom]
- social_icons = ["telegram", "mastodon", "matrix"]
- ```
- And access them via your customized `navmenu.html`, if present:
- ```go-html-template
- {{ range .settings.custom.social_icons }}
- {{ partial "social-links.html" . }}
- {{ end }}
- ```
- Create a second menu immediately after the first:
- ```toml
- [[menu.main]]
- name = "Posts"
- weight = 2
- identifier = "post"
- url = "/post/"
- [[menu.utility]]
- name = "Email"
- weight = 1
- identifier = "email"
- url = "mailto:d0x3d@posteo.com"
- ```
- And position it to the right using [Custom Styles]({{< relref "custom-styles" >}}):
- ```css
- .hack > header {
- display: grid;
- grid-template-columns: 1fr minmax(min-content, auto);
- column-gap: 20px;
- grid-template-areas: "nav nav";
- }
- ```
- See {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/content-management/menus/" text="Menus in Hugo" />}} for additional capabilities. For help with CSS Grid Layout get your feet wet at {{< external "https://cssgridgarden.com" />}}.