- +++
- title = "Webmaster Tools"
- description = "Test and submit your site with popular search engines."
- categories = ["search"]
- tags = ["SEO", "robots", "metadata"]
- features = ["code highlighter", "related content", "snippets"]
- [[copyright]]
- owner = "Josh Habdas"
- date = "2019"
- license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
- +++
- ## Webmaster verification
- Use homepage `meta` to verify your site with Google, Bing, Alexa and Yandex. All verifications are optional and some providers allow you to [submit manually](#submit-manually).
- To verify with `meta` add the following to your {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/" text="Site Configuration" />}} and fill in the value provided to you by the search engine webmaster console or similar:
- ```toml
- [params.seo.webmaster_verifications]
- google = "" # Optional, see https://search.google.com/search-console
- bing = "" # Optional, see https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster/
- yandex = "" # Optional, see https://webmaster.yandex.com/
- alexa = "" # Optional, claiming retired (see note below)
- ```
- {{< hackcss-alert type="info" >}}
- <strong>Note:</strong> Claiming your site with Alexa {{< external text="was retired" href="https://support.alexa.com/hc/en-us/articles/219135887-Claiming-has-been-retired-May-2016" />}} in May 2016.
- {{< /hackcss-alert >}}
- You may later remove verifications you no longer need or decide not to use.
- ### Submit manually
- Manually submit your Sitemap for search indexing:
- {{< hackcss-form target="_blank" action="https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ping" >}}
- {{< hackcss-formgroup >}}
- {{< hackcss-label for="google" text="Google:" />}}
- {{< hackcss-textinput id="google" name="sitemap" placeholder="https://domain.example/sitemap.xml" >}}
- {{< /hackcss-formgroup >}}
- {{< /hackcss-form >}}
- {{< hackcss-form target="_blank" action="https://bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx" >}}
- {{< hackcss-formgroup >}}
- {{< hackcss-label for="bing" text="Bing:" />}}
- {{< hackcss-textinput id="bing" name="siteMap" placeholder="https://domain.example/sitemap.xml" >}}
- {{< /hackcss-formgroup >}}
- {{< /hackcss-form >}}
- ## Test Structured Data
- To test with Yandex use their {{< external href="https://webmaster.yandex.com/tools/microtest" text="Structured data validator" />}} testing tool. For Google submit the form below with the URL you wish to test:
- {{< hackcss-form target="_blank" action="https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool" >}}
- {{< hackcss-formgroup >}}
- {{< hackcss-textinput type="hidden" name="hl" value="en" >}}
- {{< hackcss-label for="google" text="Test URL:" />}}
- {{< hackcss-textinput id="google" name="url" placeholder="https://domain.example/post/" >}}
- {{< /hackcss-formgroup >}}
- {{< /hackcss-form >}}
- Use [Ephemeral Hosting]({{< relref "ephemeral-hosting" >}}) to check your site while in development/testing.
- ## Test and Monitor Speed
- Nobody likes a slow website. Benchmark and analyze performance from various locations worldwide using {{< external href="https://tools.pingdom.com" text="Pingdom Tools" />}} and {{< external "https://webpagetest.org" />}} for free.
- Monitor performance over time using {{< external href="https://speedtracker.org" text="SpeedTracker" />}}.
- ## Additional services
- - {{< external "https://webmaster.yandex.com/tools/robotstxt/" />}}
- - {{< external "https://w3c.github.io/developers/tools/" />}}