- +++
- title = "Button"
- description = "Add colorful buttons to forms and pages."
- categories = ["experience"]
- tags = ["controls"]
- html_attributes = ["id", "value", "name", "class", "onclick", "tabindex", "target", "disabled", "form"]
- custom_attributes = ["type", "text", "isghost", "isblock", "action", "method"]
- snippets_used = ["button", "button group", "throbber", "form", "external"]
- [[copyright]]
- owner = "Josh Habdas"
- date = "2019"
- license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
- +++
- Different types:
- ```html
- {{</* hackcss-button text="Default" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button text="Primary" type="primary" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button text="Success" type="success" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button text="Info" type="info" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button text="Warning" type="warning" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button text="Error" type="error" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< hackcss-button text="Default" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button text="Primary" type="primary" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button text="Success" type="success" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button text="Info" type="info" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button text="Warning" type="warning" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button text="Error" type="error" />}}
- Ghost types:
- ```html
- {{</* hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Default" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Primary" type="primary" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Success" type="success" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Info" type="info" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Warning" type="warning" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Error" type="error" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Default" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Primary" type="primary" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Success" type="success" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Info" type="info" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Warning" type="warning" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Error" type="error" />}}
- Block-level:
- ```html
- {{</* hackcss-button type="primary" isghost="true" isblock="true" text="Block Level Button" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< hackcss-button type="primary" isghost="true" isblock="true" text="Block Level Button" />}}
- Text in body:
- ```html
- {{</* hackcss-button >}}Default{{< /hackcss-button */>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button type="primary" >}}<i>HTML</i>{{< /hackcss-button */>}}
- {{%/* hackcss-button type="success" %}}~~Markdown~~{{% /hackcss-button */%}}
- {{</* hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Comment" >}}Hidden comment{{< /hackcss-button */>}}
- ```
- {{< hackcss-button >}}Default{{< /hackcss-button >}}
- {{< hackcss-button type="primary" >}}<i>HTML</i>{{< /hackcss-button >}}
- {{% hackcss-button type="success" %}}~~Markdown~~{{% /hackcss-button %}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" text="Comment" >}}Hidden comment{{< /hackcss-button >}}
- In [Button Group](../button-group):
- ```html
- {{</* hackcss-buttongroup >}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" type="success" text="Left" >}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" type="success" text="Middle" >}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" type="success" text="Right" >}}
- {{< /hackcss-buttongroup */>}}
- ```
- {{< hackcss-buttongroup >}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" type="success" text="Left" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" type="success" text="Middle" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button isghost="true" type="success" text="Right" />}}
- {{< /hackcss-buttongroup >}}
- Print preview:
- ```html
- {{</* hackcss-button type="info" isghost="true" onclick="print()" >}}
- <svg viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2">
- <path d="M7 25 L2 25 2 9 30 9 30 25 25 25 M7 19 L7 30 25 30 25 19 Z M25 9 L25 2 7 2 7 9 M22 14 L25 14" />
- </svg>
- {{< /hackcss-button */>}}
- ```
- {{< hackcss-button type="info" isghost="true" onclick="print()" >}}
- <svg viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="16" height="16" fill="none" stroke="currentcolor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2">
- <path d="M7 25 L2 25 2 9 30 9 30 25 25 25 M7 19 L7 30 25 30 25 19 Z M25 9 L25 2 7 2 7 9 M22 14 L25 14" />
- </svg>
- {{< /hackcss-button >}}
- [Loading](../throbber) indication:
- ```html
- {{</* hackcss-button type="info" isghost="true" >}}
- Loading… {{< hackcss-throbber >}}
- {{< /hackcss-button */>}}
- ```
- {{< hackcss-button type="info" isghost="true" >}}
- Loading… {{< hackcss-throbber >}}
- {{< /hackcss-button >}}
- [External](../external) navigation:
- ```html
- {{</* external rel="shortlink" href="https://go.habd.as/mavic-air" >}}
- {{< hackcss-button type="success" text="Open" />}}
- {{< /external */>}}
- ```
- {{< external rel="shortlink" href="https://go.habd.as/mavic-air" >}}
- {{< hackcss-button type="success" text="Open" />}}
- {{< /external >}}
- [Form](../form) control:
- ```html
- {{</* hackcss-form action="javascript:alert('Form Alert')" >}}
- {{< hackcss-buttongroup formactions="true" >}}
- {{< hackcss-button text="Custom Action" action="javascript:alert('Custom Alert')" isghost="true" type="primary" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button disabled="true" isghost="true" text="Disabled" />}}
- {{< /hackcss-buttongroup >}}
- {{< /hackcss-form */>}}
- ```
- {{< hackcss-form action="javascript:alert('Form Alert')" >}}
- {{< hackcss-buttongroup formactions="true" >}}
- {{< hackcss-button text="Custom Action" action="javascript:alert('Custom Alert')" isghost="true" type="primary" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button disabled="true" isghost="true" text="Disabled" />}}
- {{< /hackcss-buttongroup >}}
- {{< /hackcss-form >}}
- ```html
- {{</* hackcss-form id="owner" action="javascript:alert('Form Alert')" /*/>}}
- {{</* hackcss-button form="owner" text="Form Action" type="primary" isghost="true" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< hackcss-form id="owner" action="javascript:alert('Form Alert')" />}}
- {{< hackcss-button form="owner" text="Form Action" type="primary" isghost="true" />}}