- +++
- title = "External"
- description = "Create links with external icon and custom behavior."
- categories = ["navigation"]
- tags = ["links", "security", "privacy"]
- html_attributes = ["href", "class", "referrerpolicy", "target", "type", "rel"]
- custom_attributes = ["text", "trusted"]
- snippets_used = ["external", "button", "alert"]
- [[copyright]]
- owner = "Josh Habdas"
- date = "2019"
- license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
- +++
- Basic usage:
- ```html
- {{</* external href="https://after-dark.habd.as" text="After Dark" /*/>}}
- {{</* external href="https://after-dark.habd.as" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< external href="https://after-dark.habd.as" text="After Dark" />}}
- {{< external href="https://after-dark.habd.as" />}}
- Shorthand usage:
- ```term
- {{</* external "https://after-dark.habd.as" "After Dark" /*/>}}
- {{</* external href="https://go.habd.as/after-dark" /*/>}}
- {{</* external "wss://fs1.habd.as:80" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< external "https://after-dark.habd.as" "After Dark" />}}
- {{< external href="https://go.habd.as/after-dark" />}}
- {{< external "wss://fs1.habd.as:80" />}}
- {{< hackcss-alert type="info" >}}
- <strong>Note:</strong> URIs such as those using the <code>wss</code> scheme may be considered unsafe by the {{< external "https://golang.org/pkg/html/template/" "Go template package" />}}. Learn more in the package {{< external "https://golang.org/pkg/html/template/#hdr-Security_Model" "Security Model" />}}.
- {{< /hackcss-alert >}}
- With a trusted URL:
- ```html
- {{</* external trusted="true" href="wss://fs1.habd.as:80" /*/>}}
- {{</* external trusted="true" href="irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/after-dark" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< external trusted="true" href="wss://fs1.habd.as:80" />}}
- {{< external trusted="true" href="irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/after-dark" />}}
- With external link styling removed:
- ```html
- {{</* external rel="noopener" href="https://blog.domain.example" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< external rel="noopener" href="https://blog.domain.example" />}}
- With internal link opening in a new window:
- ```html
- {{</* external href="/404.html" text="Error Page" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< external href="/404.html" text="Error Page" />}}
- With structured data type:
- ```html
- {{</* external itemtype="significantLink" href="https://habd.as" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< external itemtype="significantLink" href="https://habd.as" />}}
- With site-wide [Referrer Policy](/feature/referrer-policy) overridden:
- ```html
- {{</* external referrerpolicy="unsafe-url" href="http://goo.gl" /*/>}}
- ```
- {{< external referrerpolicy="unsafe-url" href="http://goo.gl" />}}
- With markdown image and link styling removed:
- ```markdown
- {{%/* external rel="next" href="https://source.unsplash.com/collection/983219/2160x1440" %}}
- ![Example image](https://source.unsplash.com/collection/983219/1080x720 "View Random Image Enlarged")
- {{% /external */%}}
- ```
- {{% external rel="next" href="https://source.unsplash.com/collection/983219/1080x720" %}}
- ![Example image](https://source.unsplash.com/collection/983219/1080x720 "View Random Image Enlarged")
- {{% /external %}}
- With interactive [Button](../button) to run a [Fuzzy Search](/feature/fuzzy-search):
- ```html
- {{</* external rel="search" target="_self" href="/search/?s=button" >}}
- {{< hackcss-button type="primary" text="Search" />}}
- {{< /external */>}}
- ```
- {{< external rel="search" target="_self" href="/search/?s=button" >}}
- {{< hackcss-button type="primary" text="Search" />}}
- {{< /external >}}