- {{/*
- Copyright (C) 2019 Josh Habdas <jhabdas@protonmail.com>
- This file is part of After Dark.
- After Dark is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- After Dark is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */ -}}
- {{ $custom := resources.Get "css/custom.css" }}
- {{ if eq .Site.Params.hackcss.disabled true }}
- {{ with (slice $custom | resources.Concat "styles.css").Content }}
- {{ if gt (len .) 0 }}
- <style>{{ . | safeCSS }}</style>
- {{ partial "meta/theme-color.html" . }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ $hack := resources.Get "css/vendor/hack/hack.css" }}
- {{ $standard := resources.Get "css/vendor/hack/standard.css" }}
- {{ $dark := resources.Get "css/vendor/hack/dark.css" }}
- {{ $darkgrey := resources.Get "css/vendor/hack/dark-grey.css" }}
- {{ $solarizeddark := resources.Get "css/vendor/hack/solarized-dark.css" }}
- {{ $theme := resources.Get "css/theme.css" | minify }}
- {{ if eq .Site.Params.hackcss.palette "dark-grey" }}
- {{ if eq .Site.Params.hackcss.mode "standard" }}
- {{ with (slice $hack $standard $darkgrey $theme $custom | resources.Concat "styles.css").Content }}
- <style>{{ . | safeCSS }}</style>
- {{ partial "meta/theme-color.html" . }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ with (slice $hack $darkgrey $theme $custom | resources.Concat "styles.css").Content }}
- <style>{{ . | safeCSS }}</style>
- {{ partial "meta/theme-color.html" . }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ else if eq .Site.Params.hackcss.palette "solarized-dark" }}
- {{ if eq .Site.Params.hackcss.mode "standard" }}
- {{ with (slice $hack $standard $solarizeddark $theme $custom | resources.Concat "styles.css").Content }}
- <style>{{ . | safeCSS }}</style>
- {{ partial "meta/theme-color.html" . }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ with (slice $hack $solarizeddark $theme $custom | resources.Concat "styles.css").Content }}
- <style>{{ . | safeCSS }}</style>
- {{ partial "meta/theme-color.html" . }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ if eq .Site.Params.hackcss.mode "standard" }}
- {{ with (slice $hack $standard $dark $theme $custom | resources.Concat "styles.css").Content }}
- <style>{{ . | safeCSS }}</style>
- {{ partial "meta/theme-color.html" . }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ with (slice $hack $dark $theme $custom | resources.Concat "styles.css").Content }}
- <style>{{ . | safeCSS }}</style>
- {{ partial "meta/theme-color.html" . }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
- {{ end }}