- +++
- title = "$ ls projects/"
- description = "A list of projects made by Yigit Colakoglu"
- draft = false
- +++
- * [Metis](https://github.com/theFr1nge/Metis/): Metis is a web application that allows medical clinic owners to easily manage their appointments and their patients. It is primarily designed for use in Turkey, with several specific features. It is developed on the Spring Boot framework and uses MySQL and Redis as its data and session storage.
- * [Hermes](https://github.com/theFr1nge/Hermes/): Hermes is an open source E-Mail tracking solution that is written in Go.
- * [KulYutmaz](https://github.com/theFr1nge/KulYutmaz/): A project developed for the regional TUBITAK competition's programming field thart aims to create a more advanced phishing e-mail detection algorithm using website content checking and a neural network that we have trained.
- * [Citizen View](https://github.com/theFr1nge/MyCity/): A system that we developed for the WRO Friendship Tournament 2019 that detects defects on the road and does live traffic management.
- * [Food Cloud](https://github.com/theFr1nge/WRO_QR): A project that we developed for the WRO Tournament 2018 that came in first place. It is a system that ensures food safety.
- * [Dotfiles](https://github.com/theFr1nge/dotfiles/): I released my dotfiles due to heavy request from my friends. Hope you have a great time using them :D
- * [Siber Ogretmen](https://siberogretmen.com): An SSH based game that teaches linux commands & an online blog that aims to teach basics about Linux and Cyber Security.