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60 lines
932 B

4 years ago
  1. ---
  2. env:
  3. es6: true
  4. extends:
  5. #
  6. - airbnb
  7. - eslint:recommended
  8. - prettier
  9. parser: babel-eslint
  10. rules:
  11. # best practices
  12. arrow-parens:
  13. - 2
  14. - as-needed
  15. semi:
  16. - 2
  17. - never
  18. class-methods-use-this: 0
  19. comma-dangle:
  20. - 2
  21. - always-multiline
  22. no-console:
  23. - 2
  24. no-unused-expressions: 0
  25. no-param-reassign:
  26. - 2
  27. - props: false
  28. no-useless-escape: 0
  29. func-names: 0
  31. - 2
  32. - single
  33. - allowTemplateLiterals: true
  34. no-underscore-dangle: 0
  35. object-curly-newline: 0
  36. function-paren-newline: 0
  37. operator-linebreak:
  38. - 2
  39. - after
  40. no-unused-vars:
  41. - 2
  42. - argsIgnorePattern: "^_"
  43. # jsx a11y
  44. jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions: 0
  45. jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid:
  46. - 2
  47. - specialLink:
  48. - to
  49. globals:
  50. document: true
  51. requestAnimationFrame: true
  52. window: true
  53. self: true
  54. fetch: true
  55. Headers: true