- +++
- title = "Custom Homepage"
- description = "Hide the blog and specify how content is shown."
- categories = ["customizing"]
- tags = ["layout", "templating", "style", "metadata", "semantics", "robots"]
- features = ["code highlighter", "snippets", "related content"]
- [[copyright]]
- owner = "Josh Habdas"
- date = "2019"
- license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
- +++
- After Dark provides a configurable way to customize the content shown on your homepage without the need for creating a [Custom Layout](../custom-layouts). Use it to hide the blog and display recent content from various sections of your site.
- {{< hackcss-alert >}}
- {{< figure
- src="/images/screenshots/feature-homepage-fs8.png"
- >}}
- {{< /hackcss-alert >}}
- {{< hackcss-card header="Quick Example" >}}
- {{< highlight toml "linenos=inline" >}}
- [params.layout.home]
- hide_blog = true
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "about"
- weight = 1
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "code" # Required, name of section to show on homepage
- limit = 4 # Optional, set number of items to show from section
- weight = 2 # Optional, choose layout order for section
- thumbs = ["fill", "400x400"] # Optional, thumbnail image processing
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "site"
- limit = 2
- weight = 3
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "post"
- limit = 3
- weight = 4
- {{< /highlight >}}
- {{< /hackcss-card >}}
- Start by adding a section to display:
- ```toml
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "post"
- ```
- Limit the number of items shown:
- ```toml
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "post"
- limit = 3
- ```
- Then hide the blog if you like:
- ```toml
- [params.layout.home]
- hide_blog = true
- ```
- And use the space to add more sections:
- ```toml
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "post"
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "podcast"
- ```
- Or add stand-alone pages too:
- ```toml
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "about"
- ```
- And display them in order by weight:
- ```toml
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "about"
- weight = 1
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "podcast"
- weight = 2
- ```
- With each section containing generic [Structured Data](../structured-data):
- ```
- Homepage
- ├── Thing
- └── ItemList
- ├── Thing
- ├── Thing
- └── Thing
- ```
- Which may be enhanced using front matter:
- ```
- ├── archetypes
- ├── content
- │ └── about.md
- │ └── podcast
- │ ├── _index.md
- │ ├── secrets-of-silicon-valley
- │ ├── the-5g-dragnet
- │ └── language-is-a-weapon
- ├── layouts
- ```
- ```toml
- title = "About"
- description = "Information about the site."
- [schema]
- type = "AboutPage" # inside about.md
- ```
- ```toml
- title = "Podcasts"
- description = "Live on the Web. Fresh to your head."
- [schema]
- type = "Audiobook" # inside _index.md
- ```
- Resulting in machine-readable structure:
- ```
- Homepage
- ├── AboutPage
- └── ItemList
- ├── Audiobook
- ├── Audiobook
- └── Audiobook
- ```
- Including `name` and `description` properties consistent between what's shown to users and what will appear in <abbr title="Search Engine Results Page">SERP</abbr>s.
- Item lists may include thumbnail images generated automatically for any `ItemList` element using a [Post Images](../post-images)-formatted resource bundle and containing `thumbnail` in the name:
- ```toml
- [[resources]]
- src = "**hyperdrive-logo.png"
- name = "header thumbnail"
- ```
- Images include high-performance defaults and may be modified using {{< external "https://gohugo.io/content-management/image-processing/#readout" "Hugo Image Processing" />}} via config using the `thumbs` property in site config:
- ```toml
- [[params.layout.home.section]]
- type = "code"
- thumbs = ["fill", "400x400"]
- ```
- Valid image processing options are `fit`, `resize` and `fill`, and image dimensions may be omitted for a 4x3 aspect ratio thumbnail.