- +++
- title = "Fetch Injection"
- description = "Load external scripts and styles with incredible speed."
- categories = ["experience"]
- tags = ["performance", "styles"]
- features = ["snippets", "related content", "code highlighter"]
- [[copyright]]
- owner = "Josh Habdas"
- date = "2019"
- license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
- +++
- After Dark uses the {{< external rel="external help" href="https://git.habd.as/jhabdas/fetch-inject" text="Fetch Inject" />}} library to load and execute external scripts and styles faster than browsers are capable of otherwise.
- {{< external href="https://hackcabin.com/post/managing-async-dependencies-javascript/" text="Fetch Injection" />}} was conceptualized and developed for After Dark to make it possible to deep-link to full-sized [Image Gallery](/module/hall-of-mirrors) images without blocking page load and has other performance applications:
- <table>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th rowspan="2" scope="col">Use Case</th>
- <th colspan="2" scope="col">Chrome Performance Comparison (4G simulated connection speed)</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th scope="col">Without Fetch Inject</th>
- <th scope="col">With Fetch Inject</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <td>{{< external href="https://habd.as/talks/screaming-fast-wordpress-redis-vultr/" text="WordPress Twenty Seventeen" />}}</td>
- <td>~3.600s</td>
- <td>~0.918s</td>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- Use Fetch Inject in your [Custom Layouts](../custom-layouts) to load scripts and styles cross-origin or from your site `static` directory.
- Given the following `static` folder contents:
- ```
- ├── layouts
- ├── static
- │ ├── js
- │ │ ├── jquery.slim.min.js
- │ │ ├── tether.min.js
- │ │ └── bootstrap.min.js
- │ └── css
- │ └── font-awesome.min.css
- └── themes
- ```
- You can load Bootstrap (w/Font Awesome) and show how long ago it finished:
- {{< highlight html "linenos=inline" >}}
- <script>
- fetchInject([
- 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/lodash/latest/lodash.min.js',
- 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/momentjs/latest/moment.min.js'
- ])
- .then(() => {
- const start = moment();
- fetchInject(['/js/bootstrap.min.js'],
- fetchInject([
- '/js/jquery.slim.min.js',
- '/js/tether.min.js',
- '/css/font-awesome.min.css'
- ])
- ).then(console.log(`Bootstrap Loaded: ${_.capitalize(start.toNow())}.`));
- });
- </script>
- {{< /highlight >}}
- Fetch Inject is 555 bytes compressed, non-blocking and included by default in [Custom Layouts](../custom-layouts). Visit the {{< external href="https://codepen.io/jhabdas/pen/MpVeOE?editors=0012" text="CodePen Playground" />}} to try it out.