- +++
- title = "Lazy Loading"
- description = "Defer loading of images, iframes and scripts."
- categories = ["experience"]
- tags = ["performance", "images", "graphics"]
- features = ["code highlighter", "related content", "snippets"]
- [[copyright]]
- owner = "Josh Habdas"
- date = "2019"
- license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
- +++
- After Dark uses {{< external href="https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes" text="lazySizes" />}} to prioritize loading of certain external resources to improve page load times and help reduce overall bandwidth consumption.
- Lazy loading works automatically for [Custom Homepage](../custom-homepage) thumbnails, [Post Images](../post-images) and when using the [Figure Shortcode](/shortcode/figure), or related [Snippet](../snippets), as seen here:
- {{< figure
- src="https://source.unsplash.com/Y-w15LfHO8w/5184x3456"
- lqipsrc="https://source.unsplash.com/Y-w15LfHO8w/1080x720"
- caption="Be Creative"
- attr="AK¥N Cakiner"
- attrlink="https://unsplash.com/@akin"
- >}}
- To use lazy loading in [Custom Layouts](../custom-layouts) or when creating your own [Shortcodes](/shortcode) adding the `lazyload` class and relevant `data` attributes as shown here:
- ```html
- <!-- non-responsive -->
- <img data-src="image.jpg" class="lazyload">
- ```
- ```html
- <!-- responsive with automatic sizes calculation -->
- <img
- data-sizes="auto"
- data-src="image2.jpg"
- data-srcset="image1.jpg 300w, image2.jpg 600w, image3.jpg 900w"
- class="lazyload">
- ```
- ```html
- <!-- iframe example -->
- <iframe frameborder="0"
- class="lazyload"
- allowfullscreen
- data-src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ZfV-aYdU4uE">
- </iframe>
- ```
- See {{< external href="https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes" text="lazySizes" />}} for additional information and examples.