- +++
- title = "Related Content"
- description = "Promote more of your content to your site's visitors."
- categories = ["navigation"]
- tags = ["links", "retention", "engagement", "layout", "templating", "style"]
- features = ["code highlighter", "snippets", "related content"]
- [[copyright]]
- owner = "Josh Habdas"
- date = "2019"
- license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
- +++
- After Dark provides related content to help users find more information that's relevant to them and can increase page views and time spent on your site.
- {{< hackcss-alert >}}
- {{< figure
- src="/images/screenshots/feature-related-content-fs8.png"
- >}}
- {{< /hackcss-alert >}}
- When two or more pages or posts contain the same taxonomy `tags` they will be linked in a section as shown near the bottom of the page. The section appears automatically below [Post Bylines](../post-bylines) with a default maximum of 7 items shown.
- {{% hackcss-alert type="info" %}}**Tip:** Create a [Custom Layout](/feature/custom-layouts) to show Related Content outside posts.{{% /hackcss-alert %}}
- Adjust site-wide maximum from {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/" text="Site Configuration" />}} by adding `related_content_limit`:
- ```toml
- [params]
- related_content_limit = 5 # limit to 5 items maximum site-wide
- ```
- By default related content will appear as an unordered list of page titles with hyperlinks to their respective pages along with the approximate reading time.
- For posts, display thumbnail images instead by adding a related limit:
- ```toml
- [params.layout.post.related]
- limit = 3
- ```
- And for each post create a [Post Images](../post-images/)-formatted resource bundle containing `thumbnail` in the name as described in more detail on [Custom Homepage](../custom-homepage/).
- As with homepage thumbnails, image processing may be adjusted:
- ```toml
- [params.layout.post.related]
- limit = 4
- thumbs = ["fill", "400x400"] # Optional, thumbnail image processing
- ```
- Set `limit` to `0` to hide the related content section.
- See {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/content-management/related/" text="Related Content in Hugo" />}} for additional configuration options.