title = "After Dark"
description = "After Dark is open source software you can use to build a secure website, blog or app. One command is all you need to start a new website."
images = [
owner = "Josh Habdas"
date = "2019"
license = "agpl-3.0-or-later"
name = "workflow"
title = "Developer Focused"
description = "Develop and publish websites cross-platform using a single codebase with just one dependency and capabilities designed to make you more productive:"
icon = "code"
name = "speed"
title = "Incredibly Fast"
description = "With 0.615s average builds and decisecond page loads you could conceivably develop and serve your content from an ODROID in space."
icon = "lightning"
href = "/feature/fetch-injection/"
text = "Fetch Inject"
href = "/feature/lazy-loading/"
text = "Lazy Loading"
href = "https://tools.pingdom.com/#5a399f9666400000"
text = "Benchmark"
target = "_blank"
rel = "external nofollow noopener"
name = "privacy"
title = "Privacy Aware"
description = "Develop your entire site without Internet connectivity and expose an ephemeral Web server with e2e encryption and real-time traffic inspection."
icon = "eye"
href = "/feature/work-offline/"
text = "Work Offline"
href = "/feature/referrer-policy/"
text = "Hide Referrals"
href = "/feature/ephemeral-hosting/"
text = "SSH Host"
name = "security"
title = "Securely Designed"
description = "Verify the authenticity of your installation using secure cryptographic hashes and use CSP, SRI and Referrer Policy to lock down your content."
icon = "lock"
href = "/feature/content-security-policy/"
text = "Content Policy"
href = "/validate/"
text = "Check Integrity"
href = "/feature/#security"
text = "See All"
name = "graphics"
title = "Advanced Graphics"
description = "Add high-resolution, responsive images with low-quality image placeholders and engaging visual effects without even touching an image editor."
icon = "photo"
href = "/feature/post-images/"
text = "Post Images"
href = "/feature/custom-homepage/"
text = "Thumbnails"
href = "/module/hall-of-mirrors/"
text = "Galleries"
name = "customize"
title = "Easily Customized"
description = "Toggle between 1 of 8 customizable skin styles or disable them entirely and use custom layouts and styles to take complete design control."
icon = "options"
href = "/feature/custom-homepage/"
text = "Homepage"
href = "/feature/skin-styles/"
text = "Skins"
href = "/feature/#customizing"
text = "See All"
name = "search"
title = "Fuzzy Search"
description = "Quickly locate indexed content anywhere on your site using inbuilt fuzzy search with automatic search indexing and full offline support."
icon = "search"
href = "/feature/fuzzy-search/"
text = "Learn More"
href = "/search/?s=uzzy%20searvh"
text = "Try It Now"
name = "rewards"
title = "Rewards System"
description = "Earn rewards for keeping your software up-to-date and monetize attention to generate a borderless, low-maintenance passive income."
icon = "creditcard"
beta = true
href = "/module/toxic-swamp/#installation"
text = "Installation"
href = "/module/toxic-swamp/"
text = "Learn More"
name = "extras"
title = "Batteries Included"
description = "Self-host your entire stack using commodity hardware and keep your source code and visitor metrics entirely under your control."
icon = "paperclip"
href = "/extra/high-tea/"
text = "Gitea"
href = "/extra/after-dark-k3s/"
text = "Kubernetes"
href = "/module/voyeur/"
text = "Fathom"
name = "builds"
title = "Extended Builds"
description = "Create **high-performance Hugo builds** using Alpine Linux with Musl. Builds Hugo Extended binary with Sass support using Docker **directly from source**."
icon = "export"
href = "/feature/extended-builds/"
text = "Create Build Now"
{{< hackcss-form action="/feature/quick-install" >}}
{{< hackcss-button type="primary" isghost="true" >}}
Get Started
{{< /hackcss-button >}}
{{< hackcss-helpblock >}}
English and Bahasa
{{< /hackcss-helpblock >}}
{{< /hackcss-form >}}