+++ title = "Extended Builds" description = "Build Hugo with Sass and Go CDK Deploy support." categories = ["core"] tags = ["docker", "container", "sass", "cloud", "ci"] features = ["code highlighter", "related content"] [[copyright]] owner = "Josh Habdas" date = "2019, 2020" license = "agpl-3.0-or-later" +++ After Dark ships with the ability to build Hugo from tagged-version source. Supply a version tag and let Docker Machine build you a high-performance extended Hugo build with integrated Sass and Go CDK deployment support. To use install Docker then run the following command: ```sh cd after-dark/docker/hugo && docker build . ``` Build container uses Alpine and includes `musl-dev` for high-performance. Update the `HUGO_VERSION` to get a specific Hugo release built. Upon successful build extract the resulting `hugo` binary out of the scratch container like: ```sh docker create -it --name temp f2b785583ce8 sh && \ sudo docker cp temp:/usr/local/bin/hugo /usr/local/bin && \ docker rm -fv temp ``` Where `f2b785583ce8` is the scratch container's Image ID and `/usr/local/bin` is the destination on the host. Place executable in most appropriate directory. For builds without Sass support enabled turn off `CGO_ENABLED`, pass in a phony value to `BUILD_TAGS`, create another build and give it a docker tag: ```sh docker tag $(docker images -q | head -n 1) gohugoio/hugo:v0.61.0 ``` It's recommended at least 2GB of storage space is available when running builds. The resulting binary inside the scratch container is less than 50MB.