+++ title = "Post Images" description = "Add large hero images without touching an image editor." categories = ["experience"] tags = ["performance", "imaging", "graphics", "posts"] features = ["code highlighter", "snippets", "related content"] [[copyright]] owner = "Josh Habdas" date = "2019" license = "agpl-3.0-or-later" +++ {{< figure src="/images/watercolor_pTIyYTqAlF8_w1440h700.jpeg" alt="Map image" lqipsrc="/images/watercolor_pTIyYTqAlF8_w936h455.jpeg" caption="Sample image placement. Not the real deal." >}} Add visual appeal to your posts with post images. Post images appear above post content and leverage {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/content-management/image-processing/" text="Hugo Image Processing" />}} and [Lazy Loading](../lazy-loading) to provide fully automatic, lazy-loaded responsive images with LQIP and built-in art direction. Using post images requires some opinion with regard to the structure of your content. To create a post with a post image you must: 1. Group image and content in a {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-bundles/" text="Page Bundle" />}} as shown below. 2. Update post {{< external href="https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/" text="Front Matter" />}} as described below. An example page bundle might look like: ``` ├── archetypes ├── content │ └── post │ └── secure-your-digital-life │ ├── images │ │ └── florian-klauer-119557-unsplash.jpg │ └── index.md ├── layouts ``` With a `header` image specified in `index.md`: ```toml [[resources]] src = "images/*119557*" name = "header" ``` {{% hackcss-alert type="info" %}}**Tip:** Orientation is not significant. For optimal display use larger images.{{% /hackcss-alert %}} Add an image caption showing the image title: ```toml [[resources]] src = "**291607-unsplash.jpg" name = "header" title = "Ottawa road in the evening" # adds image caption ``` Add [Structured Data]({{< relref "structured-data" >}}) using {{< external "https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-resources/#page-resources-metadata" "Resources Metadata" />}} to improve accessibility: ```toml [[resources]] src = "**291607-unsplash.jpg" name = "header" title = "Ottawa road in the evening" [resources.params.meta] description = "Light trails depicting speed" # adds alt text and image meta creator = "Marc-Olivier Jodoin" # updates caption and adds image meta ``` Continue adding metadata to improve accessibility: ```toml [[resources]] src = "**291607-unsplash.jpg" name = "header" title = "Ottawa road in the evening" [resources.params.meta] description = "Light trails depicting speed" creator = "Marc-Olivier Jodoin" sameAs = "https://unsplash.com/photos/NqOInJ-ttqM/" # also updates caption license = "https://unsplash.com/license" # attribution not required contentLocation = "Ottawa, Canada" keywords = ["light trail", "building", "speed", "night"] ``` Supported metadata in examples above. Adjust display using [Custom Styles]({{< relref "custom-styles" >}}).