+++ title = "Text Input" description = "Add a single-line plain-text editing control." categories = ["experience"] tags = ["controls"] html_attributes = ["id", "name", "class", "autocomplete", "autofocus", "disabled", "form", "formaction", "formmethod", "formtarget", "height", "max", "maxlength", "min", "minlength", "multiple", "pattern", "placeholder", "readonly", "required", "size", "spellcheck", "step", "tabindex", "type", "value", "width"] custom_attributes = [] snippets_used = ["text input", "label", "form group", "form", "help block"] [[copyright]] owner = "Josh Habdas" date = "2019" license = "agpl-3.0-or-later" +++ Basic usage: ```html {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}} ``` {{< hackcss-textinput >}} {{< hackcss-textinput type="password" >}} {{< hackcss-textinput type="email" placeholder="Please enter your email…" >}} {{< hackcss-textinput disabled="true" placeholder="Disabled" >}} With [Label](../label) and [Help Block](../help-block) in [Form](../form) with custom validation: ```html {{}} {{< hackcss-label >}} {{< hackcss-helpblock text="Enter your Associate Tag:" />}} {{< hackcss-textinput name="AssociateTag" required="true" pattern="^\b\w*\b-20$" placeholder="associate-20" >}} {{< /hackcss-label >}} {{< /hackcss-form */>}} ``` {{< hackcss-form >}} {{< hackcss-label >}} {{< hackcss-helpblock text="Enter your Associate Tag:" />}} {{< hackcss-textinput name="AssociateTag" required="true" pattern="^\b\w*\b-20$" placeholder="associate-20" >}} {{< /hackcss-label >}} {{< /hackcss-form >}} In [Form Group](../form-group) with warning [Label](../label) and [Help Block](../help-block): ```html {{}} {{< hackcss-label for="key64" text="64-bit PGP key:" />}} {{< hackcss-textinput spellcheck="false" type="text" id="key64" >}} {{< hackcss-helpblock text="In this format: BB73 67EE 9A70 A631" />}} {{< /hackcss-formgroup */>}} ``` {{< hackcss-formgroup state="warning" >}} {{< hackcss-label for="key64" text="64-bit PGP key:" />}} {{< hackcss-textinput spellcheck="false" type="text" id="key64" >}} {{< hackcss-helpblock text="In this format: BB73 67EE 9A70 A631" />}} {{< /hackcss-formgroup >}} Typed with [Label](../label) in [Form Group](../form-group) targeting [Form](../form) owner: ```html {{}} {{}} {{< hackcss-label for="query" text="Search query:" />}} {{< hackcss-textinput type="search" id="query" form="search" >}} {{< /hackcss-formgroup */>}} ``` {{< hackcss-form id="search" action="/search" />}} {{< hackcss-formgroup >}} {{< hackcss-label for="query" text="Search query:" />}} {{< hackcss-textinput type="search" id="query" name="s" form="search" >}} {{< /hackcss-formgroup >}}