Additionally add the following below the address
{{< hackcss-card header="config.toml" >}}
{{< highlight toml "linenos=inline,linenostart=39" >}}
proxies = ["proxy-name"] # Required, ordered list of custom proxy names
{{< /highlight >}}
{{< /hackcss-card >}}
And create proxies.toml
in your site data
{{< highlight sh >}}
mkdir -p data/modules/toxic_swamp && \
touch data/modules/toxic_swamp/proxies.toml
{{< /highlight >}}
With the following file contents:
{{< hackcss-card header="data/modules/toxic_swamp/proxies.toml" >}}
{{< highlight toml "linenos=inline" >}}
server = "$server" # Required, use ws://localhost:8181 for testing
pool = "$pool" # Required, key for pool registered at the server
password = "$poolpass" # Optional, password for pool you're mining to, if any
{{< /highlight >}}
{{< /hackcss-card >}}
Contact your pool admin for help configuring your proxy for their pool or {{< external href="" text="Submit an Issue" />}} if you have a question, found a bug or have an enahncement request for Toxic Swamp.