+++ title = "$ whoami" description = "" draft = false +++ I am a senior student in Ted Ankara College Foundation High School. I dabble in different areas of computer science every now and then and try to learn new stuff along the way. I love creating software for my personal use and for people around me. **Interests:** Quantum Computing, Cybersecurity, Linux, Self-Hosting **Skills:** Spring Boot, Linux, VueJS **Languages:** Python, JavaScript, Java, C, Bash, LaTeX #### Follow Me: * [**Github**](https://github.com/theFr1nge) * [**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/theFr1nge) * [**LinkedIn**](https://www.linkedin.com/in/yigitcolakoglu/) * [**RSS**](https://fr1nge.xyz/index.xml) #### Contact Me: * [**Telegram**](https://t.me/thefr1nge) * [**Discord**](https://discordapp.com/users/440823026523832322) * [**Email**](mail:yigitcolakoglu@hotmail.com) [*I also have a gpg key*](data/9D26FDA9E051205C4DC8422611D306C40EAEC301.asc) #### Want to learn more? You can find my resume right [*right here*](data/resume.pdf). Or you can hit me up through social media, I am open to chat.