@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ |
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/tracking.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
using namespace cv; |
Rect2d getSelection(Mat img, char* title, bool fromCenter, bool showCrosshair){ |
Rect2d r = selectROI(title, img, fromCenter, showCrosshair); |
if(r.empty()){ |
std::cout << "Cancelled selection, exiting.\n"; |
exit(0); |
} |
return r; |
} |
Mat getImgFromFile(char* impath){ |
Mat img = imread(impath); |
if(img.empty()) |
{ |
std::cerr<< "Could not read image from: " << impath << std::endl; |
exit(1); |
} |
return img; |
} |
Mat getImgFromClipboard(){ |
// TODO implement a C++ implementation instead
system("xclip -o -selection clipboard > /tmp/from.png"); |
Mat img = imread("/tmp/from.png"); |
if(img.empty()) |
{ |
std::cerr<< "Could not read image from clipboard. "<< std::endl; |
exit(1); |
} |
return img; |
} |
void saveImgToClipboard(Mat img){ |
// TODO implement a C++ implementation instead
imwrite("/tmp/to.png", img); |
system("xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -i /tmp/to.png"); |
} |
void exitHelp(){ |
const char* HELP_TEXT = "Usage:\n" |
" simcrop [OPTION?] -f(c) [PATH?] -s(c) [PATH?]\n\n" |
"Help Options:\n" |
" -h, --help Show help options\n\n" |
"Application Options:\n" |
" -c, --center Select from center\n" |
" -x, --crosshair Show crosshair\n\n" |
"From & To:\n" |
" -f(c) [PATH] Image to crop, adding c fetches the image from clipboard\n" |
" -s(c) [PATH] Path to save cropped, adding c saves the image to clipboard\n\n" |
"Keybinds:\n" |
" * In selection, press enter or space to confirm.\n" |
" * To cancel, press c in selection window.\n" |
" * In confirmation, press q to exit and s to save.\n"; |
std::cout << HELP_TEXT << "\n"; |
exit(0); |
} |
int main(int argc, char** argv) |
{ |
bool showCrosshair = false; |
bool selectFromCenter = false; |
Mat fromImg = Mat(); |
bool saveClipboard = false; |
char* savePath = ""; |
char* title = "SimCrop"; |
if(argc < 3){ |
std::cout << "Not enough parameters!\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i){ |
if(argv[i][0] != '-'){ |
continue; |
} |
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-h")){ |
exitHelp(); |
}else if(!(strcmp(argv[i], "-c") && strcmp(argv[i], "--center"))){ |
selectFromCenter = true; |
}else if(!(strcmp(argv[i], "-x") && strcmp(argv[i], "--crosshair"))){ |
showCrosshair = true; |
}else if(!(strcmp(argv[i], "-t") && strcmp(argv[i], "--title"))){ |
if(argc <= i+1){ |
std::cerr << "You must provide a string with -t!\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
title = argv[i+1]; |
}else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-f")){ |
if(!fromImg.empty()){ |
std::cerr << "You can only provide one from argument!\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
if(argc <= i+1){ |
std::cerr << "You must provide a path with -f!\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
fromImg = getImgFromFile(argv[i+1]); |
}else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-s")){ |
if(strcmp(savePath, "") || saveClipboard){ |
std::cerr << "You can only provide one save argument!\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
if(argc <= i+1){ |
std::cerr << "You must provide a path with -s!\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
savePath = argv[i+1]; |
}else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-fc")){ |
if(!fromImg.empty()){ |
std::cerr << "You can only provide one from arguement!\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
fromImg = getImgFromClipboard(); |
}else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-sc")){ |
if(strcmp(savePath, "") || saveClipboard){ |
std::cerr << "You can only provide one save argument!\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
saveClipboard = true; |
}else{ |
std::cout << "Unknown parameter " << argv[i] << "\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
} |
printf("%d", fromImg.empty()); |
if(!(saveClipboard || strcmp(savePath, "")) || fromImg.empty()){ |
std::cerr << "From and To arguements are mandatory!\n"; |
exitHelp(); |
} |
uint8_t key = 98; |
Mat cropped = Mat(); |
Rect2d selection = Rect2d(); |
while(key == 98){ |
selection = getSelection(fromImg, title, selectFromCenter, showCrosshair); |
cropped = fromImg(selection); |
imshow(title, cropped); |
do{ |
key = waitKey(1); |
}while(key != 113 && key != 115 && key != 98); |
} |
if(key == 113){ |
return 0; |
} |
if(saveClipboard){ |
saveImgToClipboard(cropped); |
}else{ |
imwrite(savePath, cropped); |
} |
return 0; |
} |