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  1. <h1 align="center">Hi 👋, I'm Yiğit</h1>
  2. <h3 align="center">A passionate backend developer and linux enthusiast.</h3>
  3. <p align="center"><img src="imgs/hello_there.gif"></p>
  4. <p align="center"> <img src="" alt="yigitcolakoglu" /> </p>
  5. - `whoami` A senior high school student in Turkey.
  6. - `uptime` 17 years
  7. - `pwd` Ankara, Turkey
  8. - `ps -a` Learning C++ and Spring Boot
  9. - `uname -n` I try to blog on [hashnode]( regularly
  10. - `neofetch` Arch Linux, Vim and Suckless Utilities
  11. <h3 align="left">Connect with me:</h3>
  12. <p align="center">
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  14. <img align="center" src="imgs/contact/twitter.svg" alt="twitter" height="40" width="40" />
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  17. <img align="center" src="imgs/contact/instagram.svg" alt="instagram" height="40" width="40" />
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  20. <img align="center" src="imgs/contact/telegram.svg" alt="telegram" height="40" width="40" />
  21. </a>
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  23. <img align="center" src="imgs/contact/discord.svg" alt="discord" height="40" width="40" />
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  26. <img align="center" src="imgs/contact/email.svg" alt="email" height="40" width="40" />
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  29. <img align="center" src="imgs/contact/linkedin.svg" alt="linkedin" height="40" width="40" />
  30. </a>
  31. </p>
  32. If you prefer encrytped e-mails, I have a <a href="">public key</a>
  33. <h3 align="left">Technologies I know:</h3>
  34. <h3 align="left">Spotify listening now:</h3>
  35. <h3 align="left">My GitHub Stats:</h3>
  36. <img src="">
  37. <h3 align="left">Weekly Coding Stats:</h3>
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