@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
< h1 align = "center" > Hi 👋, I'm Yiğit< / h1 >
< h3 align = "center" > A passionate backend developer and linux enthusiast .< / h3 >
< h3 align = "center" > I work with computers and sometimes break them .< / h3 >
< p align = "center" > < img src = "imgs/hello_there.gif" > < / p >
@ -12,11 +12,9 @@
- `pwd` Delft, Netherlands
- `ps -a` Learning Reverse Engineering and doing pwn.college <!-- (Sometimes I [share ](https://tmate.io/t/Fr1nge/sharedProgramming ) my tmux sessions.) -->
- `ps -a` Trying to finish my bachelors
- `uname -n` I try to blog on [yigit.run ](https://yigit.run ) regularly. Also, I keep a [personal wiki/digital garden of new stuff I learn ](https://wiki.yigit.run )
- `neofetch` Arch Linux, Vim and Suckless Utilities
- `uname -n` I try to blog on [yigit.run ](https://yigit.run ), although very rarely. Also, I keep a [personal wiki/digital garden of new stuff I learn ](https://wiki.yigit.run )
< h3 align = "left" > Connect with me:< / h3 >
< p align = "center" >
@ -49,48 +47,26 @@ If you prefer encrypted e-mails, I have a <a href="https://keys.openpgp.org/sear
< h3 align = "left" > Technologies I know:< / h3 >
< p align = "center" >
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