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<p align="center"> <img src="https://komarev.com/ghpvc/?username=yigitcolakoglu&label=Profile%20views&color=0e75b6&style=flat" alt="yigitcolakoglu" /> </p> |
- `whoami` A senior high school student in Turkey. |
- `whoami` A freshman CSE student in TU Delft. |
- `uptime` 17 years |
- `uptime` 18 years |
- `pwd` Ankara, Turkey |
- `pwd` Delft, Netherlands |
- `ps -a` Learning Reverse Engineering and doing pwn.college <!-- (Sometimes I [share](https://tmate.io/t/Fr1nge/sharedProgramming) my tmux sessions.) --> |
- `uname -n` I try to blog on [hashnode](https://blog.yigitcolakoglu.com) regularly |
- `uname -n` I try to blog on [fr1nge.xyz](https://fr1nge.xyz) regularly |
- `neofetch` Arch Linux, Vim and Suckless Utilities |