- # :eight_spoked_asterisk: :stars: :sparkles: :dizzy: :star2: :star2: :sparkles: :dizzy: :star2: :star2: Contributing :star: :star2: :dizzy: :sparkles: :star: :star2: :dizzy: :sparkles: :stars: :eight_spoked_asterisk:
- So, you want to contribute to this project! That's awesome. However, before
- doing so, please read the following simple steps how to contribute. This will
- make the life easier and will avoid wasting time on things which are not
- requested. :sparkles:
- ## Discuss the changes before doing them
- - First of all, open an issue in the repository, using the [bug tracker][1],
- describing the contribution you would like to make, the bug you found or any
- other ideas you have. This will help us to get you started on the right
- foot.
- - If it makes sense, add the platform and software information (e.g. operating
- system, Node.JS version etc.), screenshots (so we can see what you are
- seeing).
- - It is recommended to wait for feedback before continuing to next steps.
- However, if the issue is clear (e.g. a typo) and the fix is simple, you can
- continue and fix it.
- ## Fixing issues
- - Fork the project in your account and create a branch with your fix:
- `some-great-feature` or `some-issue-fix`.
- - Commit your changes in that branch, writing the code following the
- [code style][2]. If the project contains tests (generally, the `test`
- directory), you are encouraged to add a test as well. :memo:
- - If the project contains a `package.json` or a `bower.json` file add yourself
- in the `contributors` array (or `authors` in the case of `bower.json`;
- if the array does not exist, create it):
- ```json
- {
- "contributors": [
- "Your Name <and@email.address> (http://your.website)"
- ]
- }
- ```
- ## Creating a pull request
- - Open a pull request, and reference the initial issue in the pull request
- message (e.g. *fixes #<your-issue-number>*). Write a good description and
- title, so everybody will know what is fixed/improved.
- - If it makes sense, add screenshots, gifs etc., so it is easier to see what
- is going on.
- ## Wait for feedback
- Before accepting your contributions, we will review them. You may get feedback
- about what should be fixed in your modified code. If so, just keep committing
- in your branch and the pull request will be updated automatically.
- ## Everyone is happy!
- Finally, your contributions will be merged, and everyone will be happy! :smile:
- Contributions are more than welcome!
- Thanks! :sweat_smile:
- [1]: https://github.com/Bloggify/github-calendar/issues
- [2]: https://github.com/IonicaBizau/code-style