- ## Change Log
- All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- ## 4.3.0
- ### Changed
- - Add support for sorting of entries (through vanilla-rss 1.4.0)
- ## 4.2.0
- ### Changed
- - Add support for multiple feed URLs (through vanilla-rss 1.3.0)
- ## 4.1.0
- ### Changed
- - Add support for custom feed encoding
- ## 4.0.0
- ### Changed
- - Replace business logic with [Vanilla RSS](https://github.com/sdepold/vanilla-rss)
- ### Removed
- - Support for effects (check the effects example for an alternative approach)
- ## v3.2.1
- ### Fixed
- - Rendering of layoutTemplate `{entries}`
- ## v3.2.0
- ### Added
- - Possibility to specify the date locale via moment.js
- ## v3.1.0
- ### Changed
- - Re-added support for SSL
- ## v3.0.1
- ### Changed
- - Use www.feedrapp.info instead of feedrapp.info
- ## v3.0.0
- ### Changed
- - Replace Google Feed API with [feedr](https://github.com/sdepold/feedr)
- ## v2.0.0
- ### Changed
- - moment.js is now optional
- - Please note that the format of dates might change when moment.js is available and no `dateFormat` option is specified. In that scenario all dates will be transformed to the format `dddd MMM Do`.
- ## v1.5.1
- ### Fixed
- - moment.js deprecation warning
- ## v1.5.0
- ### Added
- - `onData` callback which gets triggered after receiving the data but before the rendering.
- ## v1.4.0
- ### Added
- - Pass the feeds meta data to the tokens object.
- ## v1.3.0
- ### Added
- - Error and success callback. (thanks to eliten00b)
- ### Fixed
- - forEach loop. (thanks to aegisrunestone)
- ## v1.2.0
- ### Added
- - Possibility to define effects for the appearance of entries
- ## v1.1.0
- ### Added
- - XSS protection
- ### Changed
- - Switched to busterjs for tests
- - Implemented tests for XSS protection
- ## v1.0.0
- ### Changed
- - Complete test coverage with mocha
- ## v0.4.0
- ### Added
- - Possibility to define the output method of google request
- ### Changed
- - Separate layout template from entry template (thanks to ChaosSteffen)
- ## v0.3.0
- ### Added
- - Callback, which is triggered after rendering of all entries (thanks to cm0s)
- ### Changed
- - Evaluate token map before passing it to custom token functions
- - Moved minified version into `dist` folder (thanks to markrambow)
- ## v0.2.2
- ### Fixed
- - Array#indexOf IE bug
- ## v0.2.1
- ### Fixed
- - Catch failures while extracting images
- ## v0.2.0
- ### Added
- - The tokens `index` and `totalEntries`
- - Preparation for jasmine tests
- ## v0.1.1
- ### Added
- - Entry filtering