- {
- "name": "github-calendar",
- "version": "2.2.6",
- "description": "Embed your GitHub contributions calendar anywhere.",
- "main": "lib/index.js",
- "directories": {
- "example": "example"
- },
- "scripts": {
- "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
- "release": "dist-it lib/index.js github-calendar.min.js",
- "build": "dist-it lib/index.js github-calendar.min.js --no-uglify --no-commit"
- },
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "git+ssh://git@github.com/Bloggify/github-calendar.git"
- },
- "keywords": [
- "github",
- "calendar",
- "embed"
- ],
- "author": "Bloggify <support@bloggify.org> (https://bloggify.org)",
- "contributors": [
- "Evan Palmer <evjpalmer@gmail.com> (http://evanpalmer.net)",
- "Francesco Tonini <francescoantoniotonini@gmail.com> (https://francescotonini.it)",
- "Miroslav Vidovic <miroslav-vidovic@hotmail.com>",
- "Mike Roibu <mike@codingden.net>",
- "Rohit Rathi <rathirohitg1997@gmail.com> (https://rathirohit.github.io)"
- ],
- "license": "MIT",
- "bugs": {
- "url": "https://github.com/Bloggify/github-calendar/issues"
- },
- "homepage": "https://github.com/Bloggify/github-calendar#readme",
- "dependencies": {
- "add-subtract-date": "^1.0.15",
- "elly": "^1.1.11",
- "formatoid": "^1.2.4",
- "github-calendar-parser": "^1.1.12"
- },
- "blah": {
- "example": [
- {
- "code": {
- "language": "html",
- "content": [
- "<!-- Include the library. -->",
- "<script",
- " src=\"https://unpkg.com/github-calendar@latest/dist/github-calendar.min.js\">",
- "</script>",
- "",
- "<!-- Optionally, include the theme (if you don't want to struggle to write the CSS) -->",
- "<link",
- " rel=\"stylesheet\"",
- " href=\"https://unpkg.com/github-calendar@latest/dist/github-calendar-responsive.css\"",
- "/>",
- "",
- "<!-- Prepare a container for your calendar. -->",
- "<div class=\"calendar\">",
- " <!-- Loading stuff -->",
- " Loading the data just for you.",
- "</div>",
- "",
- "<script>",
- " GitHubCalendar(\".calendar\", \"your-username\");",
- "",
- " // or enable responsive functionality:",
- " GitHubCalendar(\".calendar\", \"your-username\", { responsive: true });",
- "",
- " // Use a proxy",
- " GitHubCalendar(\".calendar\", \"your-username\", {",
- " proxy (username) {",
- " return fetch(`https://your-proxy.com/github?user=${username}`)",
- " }",
- " }).then(r => r.text())",
- "</script>"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "p": "[Here](https://bloggify.github.io/github-calendar/example/) you can see this example in action."
- }
- ],
- "description": [
- {
- "p": "Everybody<sup><sup>well, haters gonna hate</sup></sup> loves GitHub and everybody loves stats. So, why not making the GitHub contributions calendar available for being embeded in your web pages? Now [you can](https://bloggify.github.io/github-calendar/example). :tada:"
- },
- {
- "p": "[![](https://i.imgur.com/tJjRpuN.png)](https://bloggify.github.io/github-calendar/example)"
- }
- ],
- "title": "github-calendar.js",
- "related": {
- "ul": [
- "github-profile-languages",
- "github-org-members.js",
- "gh-contributions",
- "github-emojify",
- "github-stats",
- "github-labeller",
- "cli-gh-cal",
- "gh-destroy",
- "ship-release",
- "github-calendar-legend",
- "github-pr-branch-links",
- "github-emoji-form-submit",
- "gh-repeat",
- "gh-repos",
- "github-old-header",
- "gh.js",
- "ghcal",
- "sort-github-user-repos",
- "github-calendar-parser",
- "gh-notifier",
- "octimatch",
- "github-portfolio",
- "gh-polyglot",
- "cli-github",
- "github-calendar",
- "git-stats",
- "repository-downloader",
- "github-colors"
- ]
- }
- },
- "files": [
- "bin/",
- "app/",
- "lib/",
- "dist/",
- "src/",
- "scripts/",
- "resources/",
- "menu/",
- "cli.js",
- "index.js",
- "bloggify.js",
- "bloggify.json",
- "bloggify/"
- ]
- }