- <!-- Please do not edit this file. Edit the `blah` field in the `package.json` instead. If in doubt, open an issue. -->
- # github-calendar.js
- [![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/github-calendar.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/github-calendar) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/github-calendar.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/github-calendar)
- > Embed your GitHub contributions calendar anywhere.
- Everybody<sup><sup>well, haters gonna hate</sup></sup> loves GitHub and everybody loves stats. So, why not making the GitHub contributions calendar available for being embeded in your web pages? Now [you can](https://bloggify.github.io/github-calendar/example). :tada:
- [![](https://i.imgur.com/tJjRpuN.png)](https://bloggify.github.io/github-calendar/example)
- ## :cloud: Installation
- Check out the [`dist`](/dist) directory to download the needed files and include them on your page.
- If you're using this module in a CommonJS environment, you can install it using `npm` or `yarn` and `require` it:
- ```sh
- # Using npm
- npm install --save github-calendar
- # Using yarn
- yarn add github-calendar
- ```
- ```html
- <!-- Include the library. -->
- <script
- src="https://unpkg.com/github-calendar@latest/dist/github-calendar.min.js">
- </script>
- <!-- Optionally, include the theme (if you don't want to struggle to write the CSS) -->
- <link
- rel="stylesheet"
- href="https://unpkg.com/github-calendar@latest/dist/github-calendar-responsive.css"
- />
- <!-- Prepare a container for your calendar. -->
- <div class="calendar">
- <!-- Loading stuff -->
- Loading the data just for you.
- </div>
- <script>
- GitHubCalendar(".calendar", "your-username");
- // or enable responsive functionality:
- GitHubCalendar(".calendar", "your-username", { responsive: true });
- // Use a proxy
- GitHubCalendar(".calendar", "your-username", {
- proxy (username) {
- return fetch(`https://your-proxy.com/github?user=${username}`)
- }
- }).then(r => r.text())
- </script>
- ```
- [Here](http://codepen.io/anon/pen/aZmjvZ?editors=1000) you can see this example in action.
- ## :question: Get Help
- There are few ways to get help:
- 1. Please [post questions on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask). You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
- 2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
- ## :memo: Documentation
- ### `GitHubCalendar(container, username, options)`
- Brings the contributions calendar from GitHub (provided username) into your page.
- #### Params
- - **String|HTMLElement** `container`: The calendar container (query selector or the element itself).
- - **String** `username`: The GitHub username.
- - **Object** `options`: An object containing the following fields:
- - `summary_text` (String): The text that appears under the calendar (defaults to: `"Summary of
- pull requests, issues opened, and commits made by <username>"`).
- - `proxy` (Function): A function that receives as argument the username (string) and should return a promise resolving the HTML content of the contributions page.
- The default is using @Bloggify's APIs.
- - `global_stats` (Boolean): If `false`, the global stats (total, longest and current streaks) will not be calculated and displayed. By default this is enabled.
- - `responsive` (Boolean): If `true`, the graph is changed to scale with the container. Custom CSS should be applied to the element to scale it appropriately. By default this is disabled.
- - `tooltips` (Boolean): If `true`, tooltips will be shown when hovered over calendar days. By default this is disabled.
- - `cache` (Number) The cache time in seconds.
- #### Return
- - **Promise** A promise returned by the `fetch()` call.
- ## :yum: How to contribute
- Have an idea? Found a bug? See [how to contribute][contributing].
- ## :dizzy: Where is this library used?
- If you are using this library in one of your projects, add it in this list. :sparkles:
- - `@pengliheng/github-report`
- - `@axetroy/react-github-calendar`
- - `github-alike-calendar`
- - `@philipwhiuk/react-github-calendar`
- ## :scroll: License
- [MIT][license] © [Bloggify][website]
- [license]: /LICENSE
- [website]: https://bloggify.org
- [contributing]: /CONTRIBUTING.md
- [docs]: /DOCUMENTATION.md