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  79. <h1 class="name">Yiğit Çolakoğlu</h1>
  80. <h2 class="desc">Developer, SysAdmin & Cyber Security Enthusiast</h2>
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  97. <h2 class="heading">About Me</h2>
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  99. <p>I am a 17 year old high school student in Turkey. I have been introduced to coding when I was 10 and I've been loving it since then. Over the years I have accumulated lots of knowledge on various fields due to the variety of projects I've worked on. Coding is my greatest passion. Oh and, I use Arch BTW...</p>
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  105. <h2 class="heading">Latest Projects</h2>
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  108. <h3 class="title mb-3"><a href="" target="_blank">DotFiles</a></h3>
  109. <p class="summary">I released my dotfiles due to heavy request from my friends. Hope you have a great time using them :D</p>
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  128. <h3 class="title"><a href="" target="_blank">CoderPro - Boootstrap Startup Template For Software Projects</a></h3>
  129. <p class="mb-2">You can put one of your secondary projects here. Suspendisse in tellus dolor. Vivamus a tortor eu turpis pharetra consequat quis non metus. Aliquam aliquam, orci eu suscipit pellentesque, mauris dui tincidunt enim, eget iaculis ante dolor non turpis.</p>
  130. <p><a class="more-link" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i>Find out more</a></p>
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  138. <h2 class="heading">Other Projects</h2>
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  141. <h3 class="title">
  142. <a href="">Citizen View</a>
  143. <span class="badge badge-theme">Open Source</span></h3>
  144. <p class="summary">A system that we developed for the WRO Friendship Tournament 2019 that detects defects on the road and does live traffic management.</p>
  145. <p><a class="more-link" href=""><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> View on Github</a></p>
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  148. <h3 class="title">
  149. <a href="">Food Cloud</a>
  150. <span class="badge badge-theme">Open Source</span></h3>
  151. <p class="summary">A project that we developed for the WRO Tournament 2018 that came in first place. It is a system that ensures food safety.</p>
  152. <p><a class="more-link" href=""><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i> View on Github</a></p>
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  155. <h3 class="title">
  156. <a href="">Siber Ogretmen</a>
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  158. <p class="summary">An SSH based game that teaches linux commands &amp; an online blog that aims to teach basics about Linux and Cyber Security.</p>
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  165. <h2 class="heading">Work Experience</h2>
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  168. <h3 class="title">Internship - <span class="place"><a href="#">ASELSAN</a></span> <span class="year">(2020 January - 2020 February)</span></h3>
  169. <p>Worked as an intern at ASELSAN for the duration of a month.</p>
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  172. <h3 class="title">Internship - <span class="place"><a href="#">DivaSoft</a></span> <span class="year">(2018 Summer)</span></h3>
  173. <p>Worked as an intern in <a href="">DivaSoft</a> during summer time.</p>
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  194. <li><i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt"></i><span class="sr-only">Location:</span>Ankara, TURKEY</li>
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  203. <h2 class="heading">Skills</h2>
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  205. <p class="intro">Over the years I have collected a variety of skills, some of which are listed below.</p>
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  208. <h3 class="level-title">Python &amp; Flask<span class="level-label" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" data-animation="true" title="You can use the tooltip to explain more about your skill level..."><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i>Proficient</span></h3>
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  215. <h3 class="level-title">Java &amp; Android<span class="level-label" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" data-animation="true" title="You can use the tooltip to explain more about your skill level..."><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i>Proficient</span></h3>
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  222. <h3 class="level-title">Linux &amp; Unix<span class="level-label" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" data-animation="true" title="You can use the tooltip to explain more about your skill level..."><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i>Expert</span></h3>
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  235. <h2 class="heading">Testimonials</h2>
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  239. <p><i class="fas fa-quote-left"></i>James is an excellent software engineer and he is passionate about what he does. You can totally count on him to deliver your projects!</p>
  240. </blockquote>
  241. <p class="source"><span class="name">Tim Adams</span><br /><span class="title">Curabitur commodo</span></p>
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  252. <h3 class="title"><i class="fas fa-graduation-cap"></i> High School Grad.</h3>
  253. <h4 class="university">TED Ankara College Private High School<span class="year">(2014-Present)</span></h4>
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  264. <span class="title"><strong>Turkish:</strong></span>
  265. <span class="level">Native Speaker <br class="visible-xs"/><i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="fas fa-star"></i> </span>
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  268. <span class="title"><strong>English:</strong></span>
  269. <span class="level">Advanced Level <br class="visible-sm visible-xs"/><i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="fas fa-star"></i></span>
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  272. <span class="title"><strong>French:</strong></span>
  273. <span class="level">Intermediate Level <br class="visible-sm visible-xs"/><i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="fas fa-star"></i> <i class="fas fa-star"></i></span>
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  291. <li><i class="fas fa-headphones"></i> <a href="">Happy</a></li>
  292. <li><i class="fas fa-headphones"></i> <a href="">Buttercup</a></li>
  293. <li><i class="fas fa-headphones"></i> <a href="">Bad Boy</a></li>
  294. <li><i class="fas fa-headphones"></i> <a href="">Wolf in Sheep's Clothing</a></li>
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