You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
8.8 KiB

"use strict";
const parse = require("github-calendar-parser")
, $ = require("elly")
, addSubtractDate = require("add-subtract-date")
, formatoid = require("formatoid")
const MONTH_NAMES = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
function printDayCount(dayCount) {
return `${dayCount} ${(dayCount === 1) ? "day" : "days"}`
function addTooltips(container) {
const tooltip = document.createElement("div")
// Add mouse event listener to show & hide tooltip
const days = container.querySelectorAll("")
days.forEach(day => {
day.addEventListener("mouseenter", (e) => {
let contribCount ="data-count")
if (contribCount === "0") {
contribCount = "No contributions"
} else if (contribCount === "1") {
contribCount = "1 contribution"
} else {
contribCount = `${contribCount} contributions`
const date = new Date("data-date"))
const dateText = `${MONTH_NAMES[date.getUTCMonth()]} ${date.getUTCDate()}, ${date.getUTCFullYear()}`
tooltip.innerHTML = `<strong>${contribCount}</strong> on ${dateText}`
const size =
, leftPos = size.left + window.pageXOffset - tooltip.offsetWidth / 2 + size.width / 2
, topPos = size.bottom + window.pageYOffset - tooltip.offsetHeight - 2 * size.height = `${topPos}px` = `${leftPos}px`
day.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {
* GitHubCalendar
* Brings the contributions calendar from GitHub (provided username) into your page.
* @name GitHubCalendar
* @function
* @param {String|HTMLElement} container The calendar container (query selector or the element itself).
* @param {String} username The GitHub username.
* @param {Object} options An object containing the following fields:
* - `summary_text` (String): The text that appears under the calendar (defaults to: `"Summary of
* pull requests, issues opened, and commits made by <username>"`).
* - `proxy` (Function): A function that receives as argument the username (string) and should return a promise resolving the HTML content of the contributions page.
* The default is using @Bloggify's APIs.
* - `global_stats` (Boolean): If `false`, the global stats (total, longest and current streaks) will not be calculated and displayed. By default this is enabled.
* - `responsive` (Boolean): If `true`, the graph is changed to scale with the container. Custom CSS should be applied to the element to scale it appropriately. By default this is disabled.
* - `tooltips` (Boolean): If `true`, tooltips will be shown when hovered over calendar days. By default this is disabled.
* - `cache` (Number) The cache time in seconds.
* @return {Promise} A promise returned by the `fetch()` call.
module.exports = function GitHubCalendar (container, username, options) {
container = $(container)
options = options || {}
options.summary_text = options.summary_text || `Summary of pull requests, issues opened, and commits made by <a href="${username}" target="blank">@${username}</a>`
options.cache = (options.cache || (24 * 60 * 60)) * 1000
if (options.global_stats === false) { = "175px"
const cacheKeys = {
content: `gh_calendar_content.${username}`,
expire_at: `gh_calendar_expire.${username}`
// We need a proxy for CORS
options.proxy = options.proxy || (username => {
return fetch(`${username}`).then(r => r.text())
options.getCalendar = options.getCalendar || (username => {
if (options.cache && < +localStorage.getItem(cacheKeys.expire_at)) {
const content = localStorage.getItem(cacheKeys.content)
if (content) {
return Promise.resolve(content)
return options.proxy(username).then(body => {
if (options.cache) {
localStorage.setItem(cacheKeys.content, body)
localStorage.setItem(cacheKeys.expire_at, + options.cache)
return body
let fetchCalendar = () => options.getCalendar(username).then(body => {
let div = document.createElement("div")
div.innerHTML = body
let cal = div.querySelector(".js-yearly-contributions")
$(".position-relative h2", cal).remove()
cal.querySelector(".float-left.text-gray").innerHTML = options.summary_text
// If 'include-fragment' with spinner img loads instead of the svg, fetchCalendar again
if (cal.querySelector("include-fragment")) {
setTimeout(fetchCalendar, 500)
} else {
// If options includes responsive, SVG element has to be manipulated to be made responsive
if (options.responsive === true) {
let svg = cal.querySelector("svg.js-calendar-graph-svg")
// Get the width/height properties and use them to create the viewBox
let width = svg.getAttribute("width")
let height = svg.getAttribute("height")
// Remove height property entirely
// Width property should be set to 100% to fill entire container
svg.setAttribute("width", "100%")
// Add a viewBox property based on the former width/height
svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height)
if (options.global_stats !== false) {
let parsed = parse($("svg", cal).outerHTML)
, currentStreakInfo = parsed.current_streak
? `${formatoid(parsed.current_streak_range[0], DATE_FORMAT2)} &ndash; ${formatoid(parsed.current_streak_range[1], DATE_FORMAT2)}`
: parsed.last_contributed
? `Last contributed in ${formatoid(parsed.last_contributed, DATE_FORMAT2)}.`
: "Rock - Hard Place"
, longestStreakInfo = parsed.longest_streak
? `${formatoid(parsed.longest_streak_range[0], DATE_FORMAT2)} &ndash; ${formatoid(parsed.longest_streak_range[1], DATE_FORMAT2)}`
: parsed.last_contributed
? `Last contributed in ${formatoid(parsed.last_contributed, DATE_FORMAT2)}.`
: "Rock - Hard Place"
, firstCol = $("<div>", {
"class": "contrib-column contrib-column-first table-column"
, html: `<span class="text-muted">Contributions in the last year</span>
<span class="contrib-number">${parsed.last_year} total</span>
<span class="text-muted">${formatoid(addSubtractDate.add(addSubtractDate.subtract(new Date(), 1, "year"), 1, "day"), DATE_FORMAT1)} &ndash; ${formatoid(new Date(), DATE_FORMAT1)}</span>`
, secondCol = $("<div>", {
"class": "contrib-column table-column"
, html: `<span class="text-muted">Longest streak</span>
<span class="contrib-number">${printDayCount(parsed.longest_streak)}</span>
<span class="text-muted">${longestStreakInfo}</span>`
, thirdCol = $("<div>", {
"class": "contrib-column table-column"
, html: `<span class="text-muted">Current streak</span>
<span class="contrib-number">${printDayCount(parsed.current_streak)}</span>
<span class="text-muted">${currentStreakInfo}</span>`
container.innerHTML = cal.innerHTML
// If options includes tooltips, add tooltips listeners to SVG
if (options.tooltips === true) {
}).catch(e => console.error(e))
return fetchCalendar()