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  1. syntax = "proto2";
  2. package object_detection.protos;
  3. // Message for configuring DetectionModel evaluation jobs (
  4. message EvalConfig {
  5. optional uint32 batch_size = 25 [default=1];
  6. // Number of visualization images to generate.
  7. optional uint32 num_visualizations = 1 [default=10];
  8. // Number of examples to process of evaluation.
  9. optional uint32 num_examples = 2 [default=5000, deprecated=true];
  10. // How often to run evaluation.
  11. optional uint32 eval_interval_secs = 3 [default=300];
  12. // Maximum number of times to run evaluation. If set to 0, will run forever.
  13. optional uint32 max_evals = 4 [default=0, deprecated=true];
  14. // Whether the TensorFlow graph used for evaluation should be saved to disk.
  15. optional bool save_graph = 5 [default=false];
  16. // Path to directory to store visualizations in. If empty, visualization
  17. // images are not exported (only shown on Tensorboard).
  18. optional string visualization_export_dir = 6 [default=""];
  19. // BNS name of the TensorFlow master.
  20. optional string eval_master = 7 [default=""];
  21. // Type of metrics to use for evaluation.
  22. repeated string metrics_set = 8;
  23. // Path to export detections to COCO compatible JSON format.
  24. optional string export_path = 9 [default=''];
  25. // Option to not read groundtruth labels and only export detections to
  26. // COCO-compatible JSON file.
  27. optional bool ignore_groundtruth = 10 [default=false];
  28. // Use exponential moving averages of variables for evaluation.
  29. // TODO(rathodv): When this is false make sure the model is constructed
  30. // without moving averages in restore_fn.
  31. optional bool use_moving_averages = 11 [default=false];
  32. // Whether to evaluate instance masks.
  33. // Note that since there is no evaluation code currently for instance
  34. // segmenation this option is unused.
  35. optional bool eval_instance_masks = 12 [default=false];
  36. // Minimum score threshold for a detected object box to be visualized
  37. optional float min_score_threshold = 13 [default=0.5];
  38. // Maximum number of detections to visualize
  39. optional int32 max_num_boxes_to_visualize = 14 [default=20];
  40. // When drawing a single detection, each label is by default visualized as
  41. // <label name> : <label score>. One can skip the name or/and score using the
  42. // following fields:
  43. optional bool skip_scores = 15 [default=false];
  44. optional bool skip_labels = 16 [default=false];
  45. // Whether to show groundtruth boxes in addition to detected boxes in
  46. // visualizations.
  47. optional bool visualize_groundtruth_boxes = 17 [default=false];
  48. // Box color for visualizing groundtruth boxes.
  49. optional string groundtruth_box_visualization_color = 18 [default="black"];
  50. // Whether to keep image identifier in filename when exported to
  51. // visualization_export_dir.
  52. optional bool keep_image_id_for_visualization_export = 19 [default=false];
  53. // Whether to retain original images (i.e. not pre-processed) in the tensor
  54. // dictionary, so that they can be displayed in Tensorboard.
  55. optional bool retain_original_images = 23 [default=true];
  56. // If True, additionally include per-category metrics.
  57. optional bool include_metrics_per_category = 24 [default=false];
  58. // Recall range within which precision should be computed.
  59. optional float recall_lower_bound = 26 [default = 0.0];
  60. optional float recall_upper_bound = 27 [default = 1.0];
  61. }