Another copy of my dotfiles. Because I don't completely trust GitHub.
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4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # Install packages
  3. echo "Running update"
  4. sudo pacman -Syu
  5. sudo pacman --needed -S $(cat ~/.dotfiles/chroot/nonAUR.txt)
  6. yay -S --needed $(cat ~/.dotfiles/chroot/AUR.txt)
  7. # Initial cleanup
  8. echo "Backing up your previous dotfiles to ~/.dotfiles_backup"
  9. mkdir -p ~/.dotfiles_backup
  10. mkdir -p ~/.config
  11. mkdir -p ~/.dotfiles_backup/.config
  12. rsync -avzh --ignore-errors \
  13. ~/.completions \
  14. ~/.aliases \
  15. ~/.cmds \
  16. ~/.zshrc \
  17. ~/.Xresources \
  18. ~/.xmodmap \
  19. ~/.xinitrc \
  20. ~/.tmux.conf \
  21. ~/.surf \
  22. ~/.scripts \
  23. ~/.keyboard \
  24. ~/.fzf.zsh \
  25. ~/.themes \
  26. ~/.vim \
  27. ~/.vimrc \
  28. ~/.dotfiles_backup
  29. rsync -avzh --ignore-errors \
  30. ~/.config/htop \
  31. ~/.config/.profile \
  32. ~/.config/systemd \
  33. ~/.config/termite \
  34. ~/.config/zathura \
  35. ~/.config/dunst \
  36. ~/.config/gtk-4.0 \
  37. ~/.config/gtk-3.0 \
  38. ~/.config/gtk-2.0 \
  39. ~/.config/antibody \
  40. ~/.config/suckless \
  41. ~/.dotfiles_backup/.config
  42. # Vim
  43. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
  44. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vim/vim ~/.vim
  45. # GTK
  46. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/gtk/themes ~/.themes
  47. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/gtk/gtk-2.0 ~/.config/gtk-2.0
  48. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/gtk/gtk-3.0 ~/.config/gtk-3.0
  49. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/gtk/gtk-4.0 ~/.config/gtk-4.0
  50. # Miscellaneous
  51. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/misc/dunst ~/.config/dunst
  52. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/misc/zathura ~/.config/zathura
  53. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/misc/termite/ ~/.config/termite
  54. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/misc/systemd ~/.config/systemd
  55. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/misc/neofetch ~/.config/neofetch
  56. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/misc/profile ~/.config/.profile
  57. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/misc/htop ~/.config/htop
  58. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/misc/.fzf.zsh ~/.fzf.zsh
  59. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/misc/keyboard ~/.keyboard
  60. # Scripts
  61. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/scripts ~/.scripts
  62. # Suckless
  63. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/suckless ~/.config/suckless
  64. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/suckless/dot_surf ~/.surf
  65. ~/.dotfiles/suckless/
  66. # Tmux
  67. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
  68. # Xorg
  69. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/xorg/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
  70. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/xorg/xmodmap ~/.xmodmap
  71. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/xorg/Xresources ~/.Xresources
  72. # Zsh
  73. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/antibody ~/.config/antibody
  74. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/zshrc ~/.zshrc
  75. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/cmds ~/.cmds
  76. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/aliases ~/.aliases
  77. ln -s ~/.dotfiles/zsh/completions ~/.completions
  78. # Install vim and tmux plugins
  79. mkdir -p ~/.tmux/plugins
  80. vim -c ':PlugInstall'